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Showing posts from October, 2011

letter from a fan

From now on, I’ll just be your fan. And admire you from afar, and wish you all the happiness that you deserve. I will pray for your success and support you from the sidelines. Watch you as you grow more and more talented and beautiful each day. Watch as your music becomes huge hits and soon you will have hordes of adoring fans at your feet. I won’t try to be a part of your life anymore. I was never meant to be a part of your life. I won’t try to mean something to you, or make a huge impression on you. Because I’m just a fan, in the end, and my happiness was not meant to be intermingled with yours. I’m just a fan, only meant to watch you without you realizing how happy I am for you.  Just a single fan, and I don’t mean much at all but I always mean well. I’ll just love your music from now on, and not let my inconvenient feelings get in the way.  I won’t try to be much more than I should be — just a fan. Just a customer who buys your music, who goes to your shows, wh