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SM TOWN LIVE 2010 LA FAN ACCOUNT aka the greatest night of my life.

okay now that that's over with, let's GET ON TO THE MAIN FAN ACCOUNT FFFFFAIDUGWIUJEHGWIJG.
UMMMM LET'S SEE...okay so the first thing we did was try to find parking and we were somehow really RETARDED and picky about parking cuz like idek, we just kept driving around in circles and it took us like thirty minutes to get a parking spot lmfao. idk what we were doing. anyways we parked in the convention center right next to the staples center.
So we walked to the convention center first since i was gonna go to the Koreaboo meetup but i guess we came so late that they closed DD; and i was soooo sad cuz i wanted free goods AWWWW T___T they only has SNSD stuff left XD
but its okay~ when we were walking to the convention center, this girl was like "awwww i like your shirt" and i was like ":DDD THANK YOUUU!"

LOL this is my shirt:


anyways so then we left the convention center and went to the staples center and HOLY SHIT MACARONI there was like 548645341564 people already there and like tons of crowds and everyone was lined up and we started walking toward one of the entrances and this guy was like "your shirt is dope" And i was like ":DDDDDDDDDD"
and yeah XD Then we went to the entrance and just like tried to stand in line but kept getting distracted cuz people at the other entrance kept screaming for no reason so it made everyone else run over there cuz we all thought it was some SM artist XD
well we were standing there just being excited/talking and then this super cute girl comes up to me and she's like "OMG I LOVE YOUR SHIRT SO MUCH I WAS GONNA MAKE SOMETHING LIKE THAT TOOO CAN I TAKE A PICTURE??"
XDD she was like so funny and adorable aHAHAH.
so i took a picture with her and lol she was all spazzy. then we took some pictures of the posters that i made~ :D
I worked sooo hard on these T___T they made me throw them away when we got to the entrance and i legit almost cried T______T

Yeah we just stood around some more and some people had cool posters too ;D And i was like YEHEY~~
and took pictures XD
and thennnnn we kept walking back and forth for a while (like another hour) then the entrance that were standing ppl started screaming again making everyone else think it was someone inside the building or something so we ran too and somehow we were like at the beginning of the line AHAHAH.
so we just stayed there for a long while...and everyone was getting restless cuz it was time but they didnt even open the doors yet ><
 and we were all chanting stuff like "LET US IN!" and "OPEN DOOR!"
We started getting squished cuz there was sooo many people trying to get to the front and the security kept telling us to make a line and we were like "ARE U FUCKING SERIOUS? there ain't gonna be no fucking line lol"
cuz we were crazy like.
THEN THEY OPENED THE DOORS AND EVERYONE SCREAMED AND SHIT LOL. then we GOT SUPERRRRR SQUISHED cuz everyone was trying to get into the door at once but it was a SINGLE FILE LINE meaning they let one person in AT A TIME and it was seriously crazy.
i finally got inside and then my sister linda and my best friend annie were like going in first (past the ticket check off lady) and i couldnt go in because Leland was still outside trying to sell the extra $180 tickets we had >< so i called him and told him to get in line so he could just go in O_o
umm i also had to wait for this girl i was selling my $80 ticket to. so i stood there for like 20 minutes lol
and then the girl came i told her to go to side entrance which was there i was standing and we did this like illegally thing where i slipped the ticket THROUGH THE SLIT OF THE DOOR SKLIDHJLSJH HAHAHAHAHHAHA it was so freaking hilarious i swear to god.
and the security didnt even say ANYTHING AHAHAHAAH.
then she gave me the money through the door crack too and i was like LOL OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS MY LIFE XD
but she was suuuuper nice~ :D and then i was like byeee and ran off into the building and ran around like a crazy lady cuz i was just SO FUCKING EXCITED and i ran all over cuz that place is like fucking huge ~_~
and i just checked out if there was any merchandise and OMG THE ONLY THING THAT PISSED ME OFF
i waited so long to buy shit and they weren't even selling anything -___- but they did give us free booklets and balloons and i got a super junior one and it was soo cool :D

anyways, so leland finally got inside after i was exploring the building for like 15 minutes.
and then i came to the front entrance again, gave him his ticket and we ran to find our section (: AND THEN WE WENT INSIDE AND OMFG.
i lost my breath. like it was sooo beautiful and HUGE AND IT WAS SOOO TALL and went up soo high T_T
and then ummm i literally started shaking when we walked in because i was soo excited and we WERE SO FUCKING CLOSE TO THE STAGE LIKE SERIOUSLY.
i was spazzing cuz i didn't know we were gonna be so close *______* but then we were only close to the EXTENDED part of the stage, but thats okay cuz amazing things happened :D

ahh! the stage so lovely! this is from our point of view and i think the stage wasnt that far away
this is how fucking close we were to the extended stage.


Zhang Li Yin?

ummm we sat there for like 10 mins or so and THEN THE LIGHTS WENT OFF AND EVERYONE SCREAMED LIKE SHIT.
and then this lovely girl came on stage and it was ZhangLiYin!!!! I didn't recognize her at first because i havent seen her for a while, but she was really amazing (: her voice was soo lovely and she tried to speak in english to get the concert started and she was soo cute T_T
aahhh she was really good. then i think sunday from cjsh came on and sang an upbeat song and it was cute! :D then i think dana from csjh sang a song too and then they both did a song together and they were lovely and great ~ :D
i'm sorry if i put the perfs in the wrong order i really do not remember which perfs were when at all XD just trying to be accurate with memory but i think its gonna be wrong.
Ummm after those girls performed, i think Kangta came out next and was absolutely AMAZING and cute and he had a duet with someone..i forgot ...oh i think it was Ara or something? well it was SUPER CUTEEE they sat at these two benches facing each other and it was so adorable. and it was a ballad~ and then he gave a rose to her at the end ahah so cuuuute ffffuuuuu.
and everyone lost their shit. like seriously.
I thought he was an old lady at first AHAHHA and then people started screaming and i was like "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THATS ONEW BBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and i was screaming my face off OMG HE WAS SOOOO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
and cuz he was like the first teaser of shinee aahaha :D

Ummmm next idk i think it was this other guy Kim Minjong or something like that but he was cool and upbeat :D
I think Kangta did another song that was like all badass and he was awesome omg it loved him :D
AND THEN. what really got me going was that all of a sudden..
f(x) was there.
and they performed Lachata first and since theyre the first performers that i actually REALLY LIKE performing..i seriously started screaming my face off and i was so fucking pissed cuz Amber was not there and she's my fucking wife and UGHHH.
but its okay, Fx was AMAZING AMAZINGGGGG. and i was sooo pumped up and sang along to the whole song ;D and i kept screaming "AMBBERRRRRR" and she wasnt there even in the rap and i was soooo sad T___T WAAH~ then i believe they performed "chu" or something? it was great too and omg they were flawless and AMAZING and the vocals were amazing and everything. just, everything <3
Then Krystal and Jessica (sisters~) did a duet together it was Kesha's TIK TOK LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO.
cuz you know, key and  his tik tok jamming sessions LOLOL I LOVE HIM SFM <3
anyways, so the duet was amazing and I have a newfound love for Jessica she was PERFECT and amazing. They were gorgeous, those girls <3
PEople seriously started FREAKING OUT and i was like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH MINHO!!!! ANNIEEEE!!!!!!!" cuz annie is like batshit over minho. like she would rape him lol but she wasnt next to me~ she was in the $80 section but omg i bet she was dying like seriously at Minho's cameo omg omg omg SDLIHJSLIHJSH HE WAS PERFECT AND GORGEOUS AND HOT BAMF UNFF!
Yeah. What happened after this is all incoherency because i just became like full on batshit fangirl mode idek.

Wanna know why?

Like i heart was like beating 54584786484 miles and hour and i screamed my lungs out when i first heard the stand by me tunes and there was 5 shadows of guys and i was like "NO FUCKING WAY THEY'RE REALLY HERE."
and they were, they were there, in front of me and AMAZING ABSOLUTELY PERFECT AND MORE PERFECT than i thought they would ever be irl and fuck my life it was amazing goshdarn it and i couldnt stop staring at taemin though he was really hard to see cuz he was far away sljhlsirjhwlijrh FUCK ME!
and then i think onew, jjong, and key came up to the middle part of the extended stage i lost my shit some more cuz i thought taembby was gonna go there too but he and minho stayed at the main stage and i was disapoint because he was like in the farthest corner away from me as possible lol how sad T___T
and jjong and key did some kind of stage-switching thing and people screamed and it was SO CUTEAND I WAS LIKE "JONGKEY LIVESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
ughhh jongkey <3
sorry, there's so many details of me dying in heaven, but i'm gonna put it all down so i never forget (:
and then they performed
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. it was AMAZING FUCKING GSFIRFH SHIT.  i was like "AAAAAAAAAAHH OMG REPLAY!!!!! I get to see replay perf irl!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHH"
and i screamed my fuck shit out idek how i can still talk right now i really really freaked out and GUESS WHAT ELSE?
when they sang replay, they ALL came out to the middle stage and danced and sang together SEHLSKJHLSJHSLIKJHLRSIJHLRSIJH
AND TAEMIN WAS A STEP CLOSER TO ME >:D minho was gorgeous REALLY amazingly charismatic :D and key omg omg key. he is like.
a god or someshit i swear he was so beautiful and omg  PERFECTION SERIOUSLY I LOVED HIM!!!!! and his expressions!!!!
JONGHYUN'S VOICE KILLED ME. it was always great on screen in front a computer but in person only like 30 feet away from me, he was magical. and his voice UGH.....
onew was incredibly breathtaking and lijhfliwjrylhijrh his voice took my breath away too HOLY MACARONI THEY WERE PERFECT LIKE REALLY DAMN PERFECT FUCK DRKLJHGSLKDJH.
TAEMIN? oh, you know, he was only about the MOST ADORABLE, CUTEST GORGEOUS
WORLD I LOVE HIM TO BITS AND PIECES SHIT SLJHLSJHWIJHEH. and his dancing guys. slkdjhlsifjhlskjh
idek how to explain his dancing. his dance moves are so smooth its like LIQUID and he was incredible breathtaking and omg.
dancing was amazing everything. everything. my life, complete. he looked even more perfect in person how is that even possible. idek fuck me. i kept screamin "TAEMIN!!!!!! TAEMIN!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH TAEMIN!!!!!!!!!" during like 90% of the time they were in the middle stage XD Then i believe they performed "get down" and that was unbelievably amazing too oh god, my boys they are .... so incredible,,,,, shit. <3
this stage:
so me and some other girls in my section just like ran down the stairs you see in the pic there and we were RIGHT IN FRONT OF SHINEE. i was like 10 feet away from shinee performing juliette ugh omg omg omg omg omg.
"AAAAAAAHH SARANGHAEYO SHINEE AAAAAAAAAAAAHH" i went all out, ngl. Taemin was at most like 15-20 feet away from me and i kept screaming his name and they were shining fucking shinee and they were FLAWLESS. epicly flawless and gorgeous and smiley and happy and my heart soared. they were UGHHHHH. indescribable.
Yeahhhh then the lights turned off and i kept screaming ;~~~~; and omg they were SHINEE <3


Then Trax was up next with a ballad that i actually really like ever since it came out and i actually have it on my phone ahha. They were PRECIOUS and great and the vocals were mindblowing like WHOAAA...
And they were both very very beautiful and i was able to calm down for a couple minutes while they sang a calming song ~ <3
and i enjoyed not screaming for a moment XDD
and i totally rocked out ;DDD i think it was like "oh my goddess"? idk it was greaat~
omg omg omg

and it was so sweet and amazing and it was duet with this girl named yeonhee or something idek but i can remember all i was doing was screaming like shit and spazzing my face off and scraeming like no tmrw whenever his godly face came on the screen fuck fuckkkk ! <3
he was damn talented ;________;
and i was waving my pink super junior balloon like a crazy bitch and everything was fucking mindblowing ughhhhh.
well thats a lie, kind of, because Heechul, his mother, is also the most perfect creature AHAHA.
sorry, i'm so rambly.
then i think Luna from F(x) did a duet with Zhoumi in chinese and i shit bricks cuz they sounded flawless and amazing uhghhfgljhelirfjhwlirjh.
I loved Zhoumi he was amazing ;____; and so then i just kept screaming "Seasoning!!! SEASONING~~~! " as in, you know, zhou mi's nickname and the ppl around me were like wtf lol @_@
and then after that perf, i looked up at the side thing that had announcement posted up about which artist was preforming at the moment i saw "Henry, Heechul, and Jay" and lost my balls. like i flipped the fuck out and started screaming, screaming so damn much and HENRY WAS THERE AND HE WAS HAWT SOOO FUCKING HOT LIKE HOTTTTTTT.he did a violin solo with this badass violin and he had this like post-orgasm expression omg it was so hot AHAHA. and then i started screaming again like a lot cuz his violin paused.
and then heechul aka MY SEXGOD came on stage and i pretty much saw rainbows or some shit and just started sccreaming "heechul heechul heechulll!!!!!!!!" over and over.

he was gorgeous, guys. in person. he was more gorgeous than EVER EVER EVER and his song was sooo badass and his preformance gave me goosebumps cuz it was THAT FUCKING INSANE AND AWESOME FUCK ME.
and then Heechul walked down the stage a bit to the middle part and fell on the stage and started like kneeling down and singing all dramatically and it was great and when he was on the floor on his knees and singing softly, it was all quiet for a minute...and i screamed out " I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!" and ahahaha it was great XD omg i actually have a fancam of me screaming my head off:heechul did an orgasmic performance and i was satisfied *_____*

seohyun and kyuhyun came on next and they sang a ballad and were cutesy and lovely together and the vocals were insanely perfect oh jeez~ and they held hands yay ;D and it was all good and they were lovely i loved it (: YESUNG AND JONGHYUN NEXT AND THIS IS THE FIRST I SAW OF YESUNG SO I LOST MY SHIT SOME MORE ughh he was gorgeous lovely and i tried to focuz taking pics of yesung for my friend but i think we were a bit too far away and they were not facing us though they came to the extended stage in front of me again and i screamed and tried to run down to get closer again but the securtiy was like NO.
they again did an orgasmic job with the power vocals and were mindblowing and breathtaking and lovely!!!!

THEN THE NINE LOVELY GIRLS CAME ON WITH RUN DEVIL RUN and all the fanboys lost their shit (:
i loved the performance, they were cute and the vocals were great and i cheered and sang along, but lost my fucking marbles whenever sooyoung the hot amazing bitch came on cuz tbh, she's the one i really love out of all of them. she was gorgeous, let me tell you. i screamed for her lots ;D
and kept going "SOOYOUNGGGG!!!! SOOYOUNG!!!!!!!!!!"
i believe snsd stripped off the jackets after that, came out to the extended stage and performed kissing you. it was pretty cute. they were all very cute when talking oh geez <3 lights dimmed and went out.
you guessed it.
 rocked the fucking stage with "super girl" first and yeah,
i just fucking wanted to have a seizure then and there cuz they were fucking SDLHKIJSRFJHSLJHSLJHLEIRJHLKIRJH.
idek how to explain super junior. they have such a strong stage presence it makes you want to shit balls and unicorns fuckkkk.
they were FLAWLESS and WONDERFUL AND STUNNING UGHH you have no idea how magical and surreal it is to see the legendary super junior perform in front of you. RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. its like no other. no other, i tell you. super junior goes to my EXTENDED STAGE AGAIN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME and all these fangirls including me just run as close as we can and start screaming and shit like mad.  super junior talks for a while in korean and in chinese i think and henry says some stuff in english which makes us all scream like batshit again. siwon says "are you guys having enjoy?" and i lol cuz he's precious.
THEN THEY PERFORM "NO OTHER" and i jizz in my pants cuz they performed right in front of me. they were amazing and skilled at swtiching around mics czu there was only 4 mics and of course lik 10 of them lol ~_~ it was a breathtaking perf once again :D and i died happy.

anyways, i have something funny to add: so we were like sitting in row 15 (me and leland) and then i got tired of having to run down all those stairs to get to the front near the stage, so me and like 15 other chicks just sneakily sneaked into the rows we were standing beside (like row 5 or something XDDD) cuz they were ALL EMPTY SEATS THERE O_O like rows 1-8 was all empty in my section cuz i think the seats were behind the camera men but i dont even care because i got even closer the stage and esp when they came down to the extended stage.

after no other they did bonamana at the main stage and i shit some more bricks and screamed my head off again and they were HAWT AND SMOKING AND GORGEOUS.
i loved it. very powerful. i just remember screaming and i do have a fan cam of me losing my shit too ;D
heechul and sungmin high five and eunhae acted cute omo~~
they were great and most of them even ran to the end stage again and i got to be sooo close to like shindong, eunhyuk, and stuff and omgg.
lights dimmed.
Boa comes out being glamorous and STUNNING FLAWLESS PERFECT.
she is so cute when she talks in english ahahah. she performs and i'm like "bitch got some dancing skills <3" and she was great.
Boa and KEY MY LOVERBITCH sang " i did it for love" together and they were very close and had some skinship/touching moments and i was like "key, i'm telling jjong!" and i was jealous for jjong :DD anyways, key was amazing and very very very gorgeous and fierce FIERCE FIEREEERCEEE. very very diva and he kind was on par with boa with the divaness AHAHAHA.
they were great.

i screamed so fucking much that my screams became like guttural noises XD
it was a remix so they did some badass dancing at first and ahhhh~ <3 then they went again with the song and everyone sang along and they danced RIGHT IN front of me again and i ran to the front again with the girls and i screamed my lungs out for heechul.
he came close a couple times and i wanted to like jump on him XD i remember siwon was SO CLOSE TO US AT ONE point he actually came off the STAGE AT ONE POINT AND WAS THEERE RIGHT IN FRONT OF US WITH ABS AND ALL.
and he was singing and waving to us and i'm pretty sure he saw me spazzing the fucking shit out. and he's about to walk up to the aisle, that's how close he is and we all reach for him with our hands to touch him but secuirty doesnt allow it and he was like literally one foot away from me i almost touched him.

lights off again
9 beauties bring it back with "genie" and more fanboy chants -- everyone flipped shit again ahaha. i screamed MORE AND MORE for sooyoung cuz she needed more love and i love her <3333
5 shadows again.
i come in my pants again and i hear a guy behind me yell "RING DING DONG" and well, what do you know.
i have a mild heart attack and they are BAAAAAAAAHA:KREH:WSROKH:WORKH:WOYKH:WOKH

AMAZING AND AMAZING SOME MORE I SING ALONG. and scream lots and lots for taemin especially because i love him forever.
i remember there was like fog on the stage and i wanted to keel over and die because it was that FUCKING BREATHTAKING.
they were
idk what adjective to use anymore.
yeah, maybe.
ring ding dong was so short in my memory cuz i was sooo excited for it and ughhh they rocked the fucking perf like no other.
NU ABO WITH F(x) is next and i shit my pants some more because i love this motherfcking song it is my fucking JAM LOL
girls were great and precious and very good (:
i sing along the whole time and loved it! <3
SUPER JUNIOR is back again and they perform a man in love and i die again.
they're stunning and perfect of course.
they take my breath away.
i don't remember when this part was but it was definiteliy one of the most memorable parts:
i look at the screens and all of a sudden i see Minho and Key walking in the fucking crowd and ppl are touching them and i am like WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY AND WHY ARE THEY THERE. i realize they are on a opposite side of my stairs i'm standing on and i turn around and fucking LOSE IT LIKE LOSE IT .
i see a flash of shindong's face and i scream SCREAM LIKE BATSHIT and they are walking towards me and eunhyuk
I SEE EUNHYUK on my side, he walks RIGHT NEXT TO ME AND I SCREAM SCREAM LIKE almost in his face and smile at him and he's RIGHT NEXT to me yuo guys i was gonna like pee myself or some shit idek
he is FLAWLESS UP CLOSE . like no flaws literalyl whatsoever, he's looking AMAZING and he smiles at me and idk what to do cuz i'm screaming so much, and i see shindong walk past and i just stick my arm out and grab hold of eunhyuk's arm and then he's gone and i scream myself to death XD
i fucking grabbed eunhyuk's arm.

well i'm not gonna lie, i wish minho and key were on my side cuz if i touchedTHEM i would have had a fucking seizure and died by now but its okay because how i love eunhyuk even more than before AHAH <3
he was like a god in front of me omg <3
f(x) does "mr boogie" i cheer again but calm down a bit more.
trax and heechul on the stage and i am shitting bricks klrjhwlirsjhlrsjh.
THEY WERE SO FIERCE and of course i screamed heechul the entire time
SHINEE DOES UP&DOWN and this is when i am like in REALIZATION POINT going "WHAT . NO WAY. this wasnt part of the song list plan ..DOES THAT MEAN...lucifer?!?!?!?!" OMG OMG OMG OMG and i freak the fuck out and when they come up to my stage again, i run up to it with the other girls.
I am trying to record some shit but I get this amazing fancam where i'm screaming like i'm getting abducted or stabbed or something and all u can see is me shaking the camera like a crazy bitch AHAHAHAHA. but its has a lots of emotion in one video and i scREAM AND SCREAM BECAUSE
he's so close and if you watch this really hilarious video of me fancamming and honestly LOSING MY SHIT like i explained above, you'll see how close i was to him omg. and you'll see how i screamed his name so many many times like over and over.

snsd oh! i record a lot of it and happily sing along. scream for sooyoung again.

dark out again lights dimmed.
SHINEE PERFORMS QUASIMODO AND I scream like a fucker whenever taemin sings his parts. i also scream "SARANGHAEYO" at him <3
all vocals are amazing for this breathtaking ballad.

onew and ryeowook perform duet together (: they are precious and very very lovely to hear. they're gorgeous. i love them both so much.

lights dim.
cue badass rocker music.
 i SCREAM TAEMIN like ten thousand times.
i love him so.
DANCE OFF (: they are both GREAT but i can only see taemin because my eyes are for him at this moment <3 he is perfect ,fluid, amazing, breathtaking, inhumanly talented. i love him.  i lose my shit and almost cry . they are STUNNING.
some other people come on to join dance off. and i know sooyoung was there and i SCREAMED even louder cuz two biases were there <3
and they did a micheal jackson tribute too it was amazing. i came again. i screamed taemin again like 6565438486 more times.

boa comes on . they play the wrong track for her but she was cute all talkin in english
she performs hurricane penis venus. and i love it (:

suddenly i see wire-y strings very near us and part of the left and right side of the extended stages
when boa exits the stage.
OF THE EAST. but they were like GODS LITERALLY cuz they flew up into the air on the strings and THEY WERE FLOATING AND YUNHO WAS ON MY SIDE AND I COULDNT DO ANYTHING ELSE BUT screaming "YUNHO YUNHO YUNHO " over and over and over.

changmin is on the other side.
they do bits of dbsk songs and i remembre i loved mirotic the best and the screams were there and ENTIRE time they performed and i was so proud, CASSIES! <3
Changmin does an orgasmic solo performance and he is a fierce motherfucker and oh so very sexy and everyone loves it.
YUnho is on and does his solo and has BREATHTAKING HEART-ATTACK inducing dance segments and he is truly a god in my heart.
they both are.
they are perfect. probably stole the night for most fans. they were incredible.
they duet together and say something in the end like "we are dong bang shin ki" and then just LEAVE LOL everyone was like "LOLWHUT???"
cuz all the other artsits talked D:

the next is probably the best part of all for me:
Dont fucking Don.
super junior my babies.
they rock it with a badass dont don and everyone SCREAMS AND SCREAMS AND SCREAAAAAMS.
changmin and trax preforms with dont don and suju!!!!!!!!! heechul bangs away on the drum set in the middle stage and its the most exciting performance i've ever seen cuz some how itssooo ADRENALINE RUSH and they sound fucking amazing.
CHANGMIN'S SHIRT becomes shreded somehow haahaha.
 i look at the screens and his shirt is like torn to shreds LOL.
very fierce perf from all the boys.


same guy from before yells "LUCIFER!!!"
and i lose my shit again
it ::::::IS:::: lucfier

i was soooooooooooooooo HAPPY AND ECSTATICCC UGHHHH!!!!!
I SCREAM ALONG TO THE WHOLE SONG XD like i sing it, but scream it at the same time idek AHAHAHAHA. i jump up and down like i did during the entire concert but more so than ever and i jump the whole time and i scream and scream and dance the beginning because i know it and omg i was so HAPPY.
idk if they came down to my stage during this song or during another song, but i just remember this part which kind of just made my entire life:
SHINee shining gods walk to the extended stage. me and the girls around me lose our shit, run to the stage and rock out while they perform
MY FUCKING BALLOON POPS IN MY HAND cuz i'm shaking it so much and jumping and screaming so much LOL  and i'm like "O___________O?!?!?!" and then i just throw it on the ground and throw my hands in the air and start screaming again AHAHHA.
i think he saw my pedonoona shirt. I HOPE HE SAW MY PEDONOONA SHIRT OMG I LOVE HIM GUYS T_T
can you believe it??!?!?!!? i can really die happy now.
 well actually it would be better if i got to touch him but skldjgksjg its okay.

SNSD Gee everyone sings along and we have a great time :D
and no one expected it so we all died (:
i screamed so much,ran near the stage again and SANG ALONG so much ~~ everyone sang along to U :DDDDD
it was so amazing and perfect. i love that song and i'm so happy they performed it. i think sungmin takes some girl's camera and takes a pic of HIMSELF . SELCA O____O she loses her shit big time :D
my batteries die some where around onew and ryeowook's duet already so i didnt get to record the rest including dont don and lucifer and me being 5 feet away from taembby DDD;
so upseting T_____T

its the ending now and like 54684684684 people come out to the stage and its all big lovely family and i almost cry cuz i dont want it to end..ever T___T OMG it was really sad but really lovely and beautiful at the same time. i remember screaming taemin again and he is like behind the big giant suju group and messing around/wrestling/dance battling with donghae and someone else and i spaz the fuck out cuz why is he so damn cute?!?!?!?!?!
i think siwon hugs sungmin and like hangs all over sungmin's shoulder and i screamed "SHIMIN SHIMIN !!!!!!!!!!!!" over and over. they are UGH <3
snow hearts fall down from the ceiling and it is the most amazing beautiful scene i have ever witnesssed.
taemin gets excited with the glitter thats also shooting out from the sides and everything is just in the air and its so gorgeous i could die.
taemin is so happy with the glitter, he stands all the way in the back by himself and tries to play with the glitter and like..FROLICKS in it or some shit and i lose my shit and scream "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
then when the whole family finally finishes singing and talking and saying bye on the extended stage, they start to head back. to the main stage.
TAemin RACES down the extended stage with someone (donghae??) i'm not sure who but it is the cutest fucking thing and i am literalyl like :'DDD why is he so adroable?!?!?!
he runs like a little boy omg its the cutest thing
they all get back to stage. some more waving, messing around, smiling between everyone.
Jjong takes a camera and shoots pics of SHINee and other ppl and ITS THE CUTES LIHISRJHLWISRJHLSJH.
TAEMIN was in the pic and it was ..perfect and smiling and so precious i love them forever. they all posed and smiled.
everyone in the family waves fro a long time, they start saying good bye and thankyou and bye some more and i am really almost gonna cry..
probably never seeing them again
taemin bbby T_____________________________________T
they all wave and slowly drift one by one to the backstage and leave us and i want to kill myself they...
but taemin and others from SHInee are like the last to leave so that makes me really happy (: everyone is still screaming and scream taemin goodbye all the way till they disappear behind the curtains.
and all is silent
the most amazing experience i have ever had is over.
I had a unbelievable night.
I loved everything about it.
SMTOWN forever, indeed <3
sorry for this ridiculously BATSHIT long post but i really wanted to capture the emotions and EVERY details so i could read in the future and know what it was like (:
KUDOS to you if you read all my shit.
but thank you everyone for reading~
Love you all <3

more fancams and pics later, because i think this is enough shit for now (:








    i want to fall down.

  3. Very Interesting... I'm glad you had a great time


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