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Royal Pirates @ The Mint---- Fan account

note: Royal pirates and management has asked us fans not to share any fancams we may have so I can't post any since they don't wanna release their music yet since they're not officially debuted. Please be understanding . Therefore I will not  be posting any fancams.

So we get there at around 8ish, run to CVS real quick to grab some batteries, and when we head into the club, we're like OMG its so small ): 
we pay the ticket lady and she's so nice~ :D
then we kind of just stood around and then we see this super tall amazingly beautiful asian guy in the doorway and we're like
we called out to him (and keep in mind that we were kind of dressed in pirate gear so we were totally standing out LOL)
and he came to us and we were like *~~~~~* and then he smiled at us and gave us a look as if he was saying, "do I know you?"
and then Annie showed him our sign with his name on it sjhskjh ♥ and he was like OH~ :)
and then I think he said something like thanks for coming .
Then Linda was like "Can we have a hug?"
and he was like "Sure~!" SO NICE ♥
So he hugged her and then I hugged him too and we all took turns keke ♥
And he told us he'd be back out later so we were like okay~ We went inside to sit down but on our way we passed an old Korean man who we bowed to and said hi to and it turns out afterwards that he was James' dad haha ♥ so nice :D
all the tables were taken so we had to sit at this booth in the back ): but we were like "oh let's just stand up when they go up"
we scope out the place a bit, and I see two guys walk out from the backdoor and i'm pretty sure the first one was Sooyoon, but he was walking too fast D: the second one was Moonchul, though and he saw us and smiled so sweetly ♥♥♥ We showed him the sign with his name too and he smiled again AW SO CUTE 
so we asked for some hugs too kekeke :D ERGH they're so nice I can't...
then we got all jittery and sat back down, just jamming to the other band who was currently playing, as we waited.
James kept walking back and forth and we kept having eyecontact and smiling LOL SO AWK.
then we let some girls sit next to us and it turns out they were RP's friends, of course D: we didn't see many fans at all because everyone in there was family or friends ): so we were like "aww we can't scream like craycray, cuz not that many fans came ):"
But anyways, we hung out some more, just waiting. Then the band on stage finally finished up and they started cleaning up :33 and then RP trickled on stage one by one slowly setting up :))) omg my group was so creepy we kept echoing their names but not really calling out their names fully ahahaha
we'd be like "MOOnchul~moonchul~~~"
we also cheered and stuff  while they tuned the instruments. and we got off our seats too so we were like in the front and super close keke so nice ♥ 

James: MIC CHECK ONE . MIC CHECK TWO . *in a super hot, low voice*

Moonchul: Hello everyone!
MC: thank you so much for coming. Here's the first song
FG: moonchul~ moonchul~ (*note: Fangirls are mainly our group yelling LOL )

so the first song was Supernova, and I loved it right from the start! They were such high energy and really good live, not that I was doubtful or anything :)
OH GOD James kept looking at us and when he saw me jump around and waving at him, and shaking the sign that I was holding (it was just a RP sign) he smiled so cutely at me, I started blushing so I hid my face behind the sign hahaha SO CUTE OH GOD JAMES SDKHMSFJH ♥
I swear, before this event, I was a Moonchul bias >_>;
And when James sang a line finally (since MC sang most of it) all us girls screamed ahaha and he smiled so cutely again omg so QT ♥ We kept calling out his name♥

 Then the next song was Hunter and they got everyone clapping :)) Okay it was mostly James who was all like hyper ahaha QT ♥ 
Okay yes, James kept looking at me (or idk maybe it was just my imagination on overdrive LOL) but i was srsly such a spaz so it was probably fun for him to watch me spaz out everytime LOL.  Everytime he looked at me, I would smile really widely ahah or I would do a heart signal at him with my hands and he would smile again GOSH SO LOVELY AND CUTE! ♥ SQUISHES FOREVER.
he was really really good-looking and not just cute
but his smile was like a thousand-watts of sunlight at me. it was beautiful :3 This boy is so smug with the amount of biases the girls have for him haha he's so happy with all the fangirls he has XDDD SO CUTE! who can help it but fall in love with him? He's so charming and charismatic ~

Breaktime for a bit~
MC: *drinks water*
FG: *giggle*
FG: SOOYOON!!! (cuz he didnt see us or our signs yet T_T) *waves cutely*

MC: *hauls out a huge white towel from nowhere and starts wiping himself*
James: So this next song is a song you might know~
FG: whoo~
James: If you like grenades..
crowd: *laughs*

Okay so yes it's a Grenade cover, but gosh, they make the song 65654654times better okay, no lie. It was SO GREAT! ♥ James and Moonchul are like totally rocking out its so cute :) gosh, by this point it's kind of getting ridic the amount of eye contact (James) we're having LOL I KEEP DYING AND BLUSHING SKLJHSJHF 
I am not trying to be obnoxious or brag about this here lol but this is what I believe happened XD and i have fancams to prove it!! but no, they've asked us not to post fancams cuz their management doesn't want anything to be released since they haven't debuted yet, you know?

OH GOD LOL I am watching the fancams for Grenade rn and James is such a FLIRT AHAHA he puts his leg up on this thing and plays the base and like SMIRKS at the crowd lol this womanizer! ♥ He legit has like a permanent smile on his face AHAHA LOL SO CUTE!!! ♥

James: how you guys doin?
crowd: WHOOO~ 
James: stop falling asleep! Wake up!
crowd laughs
James: Next song is called Heaven's Design. and it's about each and every one of you being a special person. Heaven's design. 
crowd: awwww
James: that's what I think about you
Me: Fanservice much? XDD

they sing Heaven's Design and sjhslkjfhksjh it's a slower song and SO BEAUTIFUL IDEK. I almost like died and bawled ;( James sang so much in this one and oh god his voice was flawless okay ;A; No, that is not my bias speaking.

James: thank you everybody for coming out. And thank you to the Mint, you guys are great hosts. We are really uh, PLEASED to be able to play here. -chuckles awkwardly-

LOL I have no idea what that was but he smiled really widely as if there was another hidden meaning LOL I HAVE NO IDEA. but you know me and my overactive imagination XD  I won't say anything LOL

I'm not sure when it was but I know there was a point when James is like "Thanks for coming, everyone, there's so many beautiful people here LOL OH GOD so cute ♥ what a flirt ;)
yes, all the girls died....including me XD

alright, is it getting totally obvious that James is my hugest bias/crush in the entire universe right now? If it's not clear, I'll just mention that XD
James: We love performing. But what we love even more is performing for beautiful people. I can smell your beauty.

Next song is something about how "I don't know you anymore."
it's so good omg creys ;AAA; 
MC: Thank you
crowd: -cheers-

-there's a little pause-
FG: JAMESSSSSSS!! JAMES!! JAMESSS !!! (yes, the majority of this was our group XD)
James: what was that? Say that again?
Crowd: James!!
James: say that again?
man: TAKE IT OFF!!
James: I hear that so often

after that is another slower song, but it's really nice ♥♥

the whole time during this entire song, my entire group died because james was just being too happy and cutesy lol we kept yelling his name and of course he smiled dkljslkhjs ♥

then after that was disappear and i shat some bricks and screamed my face off LAWLS and then I sang along really obnoxiously :)
but then the camera died in the middle of it so we missed the last two songs sjhflkfjhsfh
but its okay, we were recording with a phone so atleast we got the audio XD

we started shouting at them to sing more songs LOL
crowd: one more song!!
Me: TEN MORE!!!!!!

so yeah they did two more songs and i don't have the footage with me rn so I'm not sure how that went, but I know they were so great and everyone cheered SO LOUDLY at the end.
and when it quieted down, i yellled sooyoon's name and he finally looked up and saw the sign and smiled :)))))))) SLFJHSFJHLSJFLHJSIRFJH SO CUTE

basically the entire time all i remember doing was cheering, then shaking my fansign like crazy and then making eye contact with james, smiling at him and doing heart signs, waving like a crazy lady at him, occassionally yelling all of their names out, and screaming LOLOL ♥ it was such a good time :)

Afterwards, we ran over to the side right away next to wear the door was :333 and they were cleaning up and kept going out and in and out again and and I ... ♥
Kept seeing james and giving him hopeful looks, but he looked apologetic because they were cleaning up the instruments >_<;
I was like "James can you sign?" and he was like ":D and then D:" and i was like "oh ,its okay are u busy?" and he was like "yeah :("
so he went to finish cleaning haha . 
finally, they wrapped up cleaning and came out...of course we wanted to get their sigs so i dug around in my bag and found a magical sharpie!!! Moonchul was first to come out after and he was all sweaty and cute and had a giant towel kekeke ♥
 while my group was trying to get moonchul's attention, I saw sooyoon wandering on stage cleaning up things and I was like "sooyoon !!"
and he gave me the most dazzling, beautiful, adorable smile I have ever seen in my life. he's probably got the loveliest smile I have ever seen no, srsly SRSLY though fuck my life, it was gorgeous.

so it was pretty much just me and him ... private moment 
he smiled and came over, shook my hand, and held it and yeah I kind of melted into a puddle.
he was like "Thanks so much for coming" and I was like "you guys were good. REALLY GOOD!"  I gave him a thumbs up sign and he was like :)))) and then went to finish cleaning omg creys.

i was about to fangirl to my group, but of course that's when Moonchul comes out and we're like PLEASE SIGN SKJHF and he has this really cool sig :))) and he thanks all of us too and we were all like you were soo good! he gave us all hugs again omg creys.
then next James came out and I about died okay .
he signed annie's "James" sign and wrote a message that said "I love you girls"
cuz linda demanded for him to write a message.
and he was so cute, "I'm sorry, I don't really have a signature"
and we were like "OH ITS OKAY."
James: you guys should see Moonchul's sig. It's really cool.
us: LOL we did XD

he also invited us to their last gig before leaving to korea ): it's going to be at roxy club. 
and i asked him to sign mine too and he only wrote his name though~

and of course i hugged him again sjhslfkjhslifjh and then we asked for a group picture creying forever.
and James was like, "okay, find the other two and I'll be there" and we were like okay.
he started to walk further down the crowd and then the other two showed up so I like kind of patted him and told him they were there LOL I felt so bad i was being so demanding ;AA;
but YAYS we all got together and took this beauuuuuuuuuutiful picture slkdjhglsjhlslfh
and then after that we were able to get sooyoon to sign too and he wrote the cutest message ever ahaha
"thanks for coming out and supporting us. Aw Yeah!"
at first i was like trying to read the aw yea part and i was like "....his name doesnt have an is that his name?"
and i started reading it forreals and i was like ""
and then we all died from loling. what a coolkid :)

and then there were some other fans who wanted pics too so we took pics for them and the boys were so nice and sweet slkdhsjfh ♥

we all just mingled around for a while until other fans and family trickled in and congratulated the boys so they kind of went off into the crowd and we were like *___* trying to compose ourselves XD
I kept accidentally glancing at James though and I kept feeling like wanted to say something to him and he looked like was expecting me to talk but skldhksjhfklsjh I was too nervous and he seemed busy talking to friends and stuff ):
so i just smiled at him :) and when he was taking pictures,  I poked his arm several times haha but he didn't notice.
I also had fun poking the other boys too Lmfao.
the only one who noticed MC and he  turned around and was like "yes?"
and slkdjhlsjhf lmfao annie was like "ERRR they want a picture O_O"

I kept telling the boys they did really really amazingly and stuff sdkjhsfjhskljhf they were too nice idek ;A;

Then finally after like 20 mins of lurking and stalking and kind of being creepers and trying to calm our tits, they were finally calmed XDDD
so we went to say our goodbyes to them ;~~~; and I went to James and was like T^T "we;re leaving now, so i wanted to say bye..."
and he was like "oh okay, thanks so much guys for coming" and he took my hand (okay shook it) "what was your name again?"
Me: Lynna! :) you guys were great! Can I have another hug please ):
him: I'm really sweaty...!! LIKE REALLY SWEATY!
Me: I don't mind...
Me: >_< ok!
and he did OMFG it was quite a nice hug >_< HE WAS SOAKIng ...SOAKING. I MEAN DRENCHED AND REALLY WET LMFAO but its okay i actually didn't mind :)
sfklhlsjhf SO SWEET I CANNOT.

he hugged annie too :)
and then we really said bye :(
and i went to Sooyoon next and i was like "hey we're leaving now"
and he hugged me too and said thanks again.
oh god he gave me another brilliant million watt smile and DAMN i will never get over how lovely his smile is and how cute/adorable/shy he is oh god second bias right hereee ♥

then we all went outside and moonchul was tlaking to some ppl and we were like *awkward* because we didn't want to interrupt ksfjhklshf D:
but he finally noticed us and we were like "we're leavingnow~" and he hugged us askhjksljfh and I was like "good job!!"
and he said thanks too and then we were like okay we're leaving )):
 and yeah D: we went home and i died ;A;
we got sooo hyper and fangirly in the car XD

but anyways, so yeah.
I cannot wait to see them again at Roxy and I know it will be a blast!!! this time I will be more prepared and make sure to bring gifts and fan letters ♥ I want them to remember us fans before they get all big in korea and we won't get those same moments anymore ;AA;

so um, James, if you're reading this, just know that I am like like kind of infatuated with you right now and you're so charming and gorgeous and sweet and nice and you don't smell bad even though you're sweaty LOL please remember me !! I am the pirate girl with the fansigns who you gave a big sweaty hug to hahaha :333

this is the stamp we got going into the club :33 it's like a ticket memoir for me ;A;

free counters


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