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Royal Pirates @ Viper Room 08/27/11

The evening started off with us getting stuck in HORRIBLE traffic on the 5 freeway for about 53246346 hours LOL.  We started getting nervous because we planned on getting there 1 hour earlier than the show but we were nearing the half hour mark and so it was kind if nerve-wracking. I felt like I was going to throw up because I was so nervous.

We also had a really hard time finding parking for some reason and idk it was just a stupid experience overall because we could have just parked right next to the Viper Room but we didn't even think of that thought. We parked like 10 minutes away (walking distance) from the venue... OTL oh yeah and then we decided to park in this weird parking structure or something. It was so unbelievably HOT in there!! It was like ten thousand degrees seriously! >_<; I was practically suffocating OTL.

And then SOMEONE decided to go into this random door on the side cuz apparently it said "exit" but idk, I just got a really bad feeling before we went into the door and  my instinct was just like "this is not a good idea..."  I saw other people just heading back out by walking on the driveway part.

But we went in anyways and we walked down a bunch of flights of stairs. Then when we reached the bottom, there was like three doors on each wall but they were all locked! So we weren't able to get out of there which means that was definitely not an exit!! We started getting frustrated so we walked all the way back up to where we started and when we tried to open the door we got in from, it made this really weird buzzing noise and then it locked!!! We couldn't pull it open and the buzzing noise kept going and we started panicking.

So we started shouting at the door hoping the people on the other side would hear us and we were like screaming for like 5 minutes. Annie started freaking out and I was like hyperventilating. I was pretty close to calling 911 because we were pretty much locked in there with no air way O_O;;;; It was kind of the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. I felt like I was in a horror movie LOL oh god.

Finally, this girl from the other side heard us and she was able to open it for us ! >_< It only opens from the outside and not the inside apparently . What kind of freaking exit is that?! So freaking scary... I am never doing something like that again and I will avoid parking structures from now on if possible oh god. Scariest freaking thing ever. I was on the verge of getting a panic attack.

Finally we got out of the parking structure and we had to walk like three blocks. We got there like 5 minutes before the show started LOL such failllluuuurress! But it's okay, because Karen, Annie, and I couldn't get inside anyways.  Brittany and Linda went in with the camera and stuff. 
The three of us stood outside in front of the entrance for like 15 minutes and we were planning to scope out the building when Linda texted us and said the show started. I heard their music! so I walked over to the side entrance where some other people were chilling outside and smoking etc. and i could hear the music SO LOUD from there!  ㅋㅋㅋㅋI guess the stage was right next to that door and we just stood there the rest of the time~ :D I remember them playing "Supernova", "Stranger", "You Fade", "The Answer", and "Disappear". I think I might've missed a couple songs but some of them I couldn't hear very well.   We sang along loudly to most of them though haha :D Every time the side door opened, I would get a very loud blast of their music and it was so awesome LOL I kept trying to keep the door open a bit longer but the bouncer was giving me looks ;A;

Some people from another band were like hitting on us and they were like jealous that RP had such dedicated fans with gifts and everything LOL >_> But yeah there was people that kept trying to talk to us and make us give them gifts too and klsjhksjfh it was slightly creepy and really weird .. >_> I was creeped out.  But when Disappear came on, we all sang super loudly and rocked out and then they went away lmfao.

Then I heard James say something like thanks for coming out and stick around for other bands~
And then i was like "YAYYY it's over ~ we get to see them now lol ;A;" And then the bouncer actually opened the sidedoor and kept it open and I could see inside kekeke. It was open so they could take their gear out lawl.  but then when the bouncer wasn't looking, I just waltzed right in and I was right next to the stage part that was wide open and I saw Moonchul putting away something on the stage and I waved at him and smiled and I was like "HI MOONCHUL! :D" And he smiled so nicely at me ♥  And then I saw James and said hi to him too lol it was so funny how the bouncer didn't even say anything at all. I thought it was pretty hilarious that I just walked right in. Annie and Karen were about to follow me but then Moon was like "We'll be right out :)" And so I was like Okies ~ :D
We all went out and stood outside of the door waiting for them *~~~~*

Of course there was a bunch of other people as well ... fans, friends and family :)  The boys walked out but they had to put their gear away so we all stood aside patiently. When they got back, they started mingling with friends and stuff and we didn't want to interrupt so we just stood aside for a bit and planned a course of action haha.

We wanted to be able to see their reactions to the gifts so we were going to make them open them one by one instead of all at the same time.  They still seemed occupied and busy for a while though and finally Moon came up to me and I got to greet him properly :) 

Here's a video of what pretty much happened lol:

I basically asked Moon when did he think they were going to leave and he said that Sooyoon was leaving on Sept 2nd! So soon omg. And he says that he's leaving a bit after that.   He also asked us if we wanted to take pictures but we said later so yeah XD I asked him for a hug instead and he was like "I'm sweaty!" and I was like "LOL I don't really care." And he was sweaty, but I was perfectly fine with it.... :333 We did give him his present though but he said he would be back and we were going to make  him open the present later XD Karen gave Sooyoon his gift too and so he gave her a little hug haha.

The two of them left to talk to other people for a while and we stood aside again waiting.
Oh yeah and then James came up and I was like "Hi James... x3"
He changed into a tank top ... :x
And he said thanks for coming and stuff and he was like "I can't believe you guys didn't even get to see!"  XD
LAWL. James, you cannot fathom the level of dedication we have for you... ;A;

 We waited for like another 10-15 minutes. Then we saw a lady walking towards the parking lot with the gifts we just gave them LOL! We freaked out because we were pretty sure she was taking them to the car and we wanted the boys to open them~! So I kind of ran after her a bit and I was like "Hi! I'm sorry, but we gave them the gifts and we were going to ask them to open it in front of us later >_<" I explained to her that we thought she was going to put the gifts away in the car and she was like "Oh, I am!"

LAWL but she was perfectly fine with getting them to open the gifts :)  She even told me she would bring them over to us right away AHAH.  She came with me to where our group was and when she saw how decked out we were with our awesome shirts and crowns and giftbags LAWL she said the nicest thing ever to us ;A;

She told us that she's never seen such amazing fans and that we were the most dedicated fans they've ever had and oh god I was legit going to tear up ;_____; And she was like "You guys are the reason they keep doing this, you know? You're what keeps them going." and I was seriously getting all teary-eyed and stuff ;__;

We told her how the three of us didn't get to see the show because we were underage ;___; She took out her phone and started showing me pictures of their performance AHAHA she showed me like two shots of James' crotch LMFAOOOOO it was pretty funny. I told her she could send that one to me XD OTL

I asked for her name :) It was Ana and turns out she's their manager LMFAO and we were all like "WHOA O_O LE AWESOMEE"

Then she was all like "Let me go get them right now so they could open the gifts in front of you guys :)" ahh~ so nice ♥ She got distracted by her friends though hhaha its okay though because the boys were just standing there O_O They were just standing aside talking to themselves ahah I guess they were done talking to friends and stuff :) 

So we went up to them and I asked James for another hug OTL OTL OTL I kind of just stood there with my arm around his waist and his arm around my shoulder for like a good 5 minutes because we were all confused about what was going on/if we were taking a picture or not but Linda was filming I guess because we also wanted to get the presents-opening going XD

So this mess is what happened:

Don't read further till you've watched the video because this next part won't make any sense if you don't watch it lol.

Sooyoon was SO CUTE with the pastries skfjhklshf did you see how his face like lit up? And he was munching on one of them too lol so adorable :3 Karen gave him the sweater, cupcakes, bracelet, and sandals :)  I love how Moon and James totally spazzed out over the cupcakes lmfao. What derps.  OMG Sooyoon posted a picture of himself with the gifts on fb too ;__; 
We were all so happy and ecstatic that he liked them :) I guess he didn't take a picture with the pastries because he devoured them all already LMFAO. I asked him if he liked sweets as he saw the pastries box and he replied enthusiastically "Yes!" XD ♥

SDKHGLFJHSFH MOONCHUL OPENING THE PRESENTS!! he was being all exaggerated with us and going "AAHHH~ OMGGG!!!" at everything XD He's so funny omg. The scarf was sewn by me :3 I shopped for the necklace and painted it ^_^  And they all got bears, it was a group effort from all of us ahah. I srsly think we had too much fun with the bears though...

Brown one is James ... I told it's because he's Mexican at heart... He loled XD Beige one is Sooyoon and the white bear is Moon (:
And when Moon couldn't get that little bag open it was kind of the most hilarious moment ever LOL. Scotch tape for the win!!! XD

And the part when James reads my shirt it says this:

When Moon opened the necklace and looked at it for a little while and his face got all serious.. I think that made me really happy because I could tell that was his favorite gift and that he genuinely liked it :) the charms were a little microphone and a guitar :) I freaked out about finding the charms so easily when I went shopping for them because I thought it was going to be impossible to find them but I guess I was wrong~! :DD I saw them in the first store we went in and I spazzed out ahaha.

And when Moon turned to me and asked me to put on the necklace for him.....
I think my heart kind of just stopped lsjhlsirjhlsrjh. Why is he so...kjhgkjheirhjlirjh?! Yeah, I don't really want to go into that moment into detail, but it was pretty intimate for me and it really meant a lot that he had me do that ...:)
He smelled nice ^_^

Me: Don't worry James, your gifts are last~
James: Awww, I'm last?? :(
Me: Best for last!~~ *pats his arm*
James: Haha ^_^

And of course the awkwardness that goes on when I give James his present XDD
All in perfect video format for your entertainment:
KAREN FREAKING MADE HIM FREAK OUT and she was all like "She's gonna propose to you" and that's when he like FREAKED OUT and yelled "OH MY GOD" and ran away from me OTL OTL KAREN LOL OMG.
okay so I did have a rose ring but it was only for the cute concept >_< 
If you didn't hear it, I told him, "You were jealous of Sooyoon's roses last time...So we made you one!" :DDD
LOL HIS FACE/REACTION SKJHKSLFHSKH and then Sooyoon was LOLing at him on the sidelines.
Then when I gave him the bouquet, Sooyoon's face went :000 And he got all sjhlsijfh and walked away awww I felt sooo bad sFHKSFLHSJHF but James was happy enough and pretty smug XD
The part where I'm whispering to him, I'm like "Don't tell Sooyoon, but there's 200 in there...."
And James is like "I think he already knows XD"

James: How long did this take you guys?!
Brittany: Just a little while..
Me: Only bout a day.... 
James: *to me* You made these?
Me: NOO~ We all did ! 
Annie: I made 110 of them -_-;

*when we give him the Victoria's Secret bag*
Annie: this is also for you...
James: Is this a thong?

On the side rims of the glasses (which he spazzes out over XD) are little gold bass guitar charms (sprayed painted gold~) glued on haha. I hope they don't fall off in like 5 seconds because they were kind of fragile when I glued them.... >_>

Well then we take some pictures with them and stuff but of course they're all chatty little things so they keep staying longer and longer even though they keep saying "We gotta go .. ):" ahaha we just hang around and smile at them and talk etc :) I think I hugged Moon about 2 more times... and James about like 3 more times .... idk.
Here's just some footage of us taking pictures with them and waiting around~
This is with James:
And with Sooyoon:
Me: *to James* Can I have a really big hug because I'm never seeing you again? ;A;
James: :3 -tightly hugs- Actually, we'll see about that, you'll see me around :) 
Me: Really??
James: Yeah, we're trying to figure something out. Maybe another show...

OH GOD they keep doing "last show in LA" LOL But I'm not complaining at all :))

So yeah... that's kind of it :)) What a lovely evening I had even though I went through so many scary/stressful things before.. It was kind of worth it.... :) I have some photos of the boys just sitting around and being adorable lksjfhlsjhf so cute ♥

Yup~ that's the end of it pretty much... It was a pretty magical/amazing/ awesome night and I regret nothing :3  Accomplished all we set out to do (:


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