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[FAN ACCOUNT] Royal Pirates @ KAH restaurant “Intimate” Acoustic Night

So around like 3PM me and Annie were just going on facebook, and being bored and then suddenly I see Moonchul’s status update that says there was a GIG!!! And  I was like WTF I DID NOT HEAR ABOUT THIS AT ALL.

I checked all of their pages and it turns out they just announced the gig THE NIGHT BEFORE LMFAO and it was going to be the following day XDDD

So I started spazzing out and calling my sister but she didn’t pick up and we couldn’t reach anyone else either ;A;
I’ve never driven on the freeway before OTL so I was like oh shit how are we gonna get there ;A;
We mapquested the directions and the place was a restaurant in Manhattan beach and it would take us like 50 mins to get there from my house.

Plus it was Carmageddon yesterday lmfao so the 405 was close and we needed it to get there >< so we looked up a detour route and we were like “omfg are we gonna go?! DDDD:”

It was at 10 that night so we had some time to plan things out »;

LOL and no one picked up still even though we kept calling people to ask if they wanted to go ><;

We just started to plan things out, like we went to buy stuff and made some more fan signs, and we also got them presents. It was little striped scarves ^_^ Annie wrote her fan letters to the boys, and we had a gift bag for each of them  but I already wrote all my fanletters a while ago so it was fine ^_~

We put all the present bags together and then we made our fan signs. By the time we were done with all of this, it was like 7PM O_O
Turns out my sister couldn’t make it and neither could any of our other chingus so it turned out to be just me and annie all on our own! AH ! how scary! XD

So we were like “OKAY LETS DO THIS :/”
So we printed out directions and went to it! >_<;;

We drove on inner streets for a long while, passed knott’s berry farm and everything. Then I had to enter the 91 West but then I accidentally turned on the 91 east lmfao omg SO SCARY!!!! We got lost ahaha and it was my first time on the freeway so I started freaking out really badly XD there was this asshole tailgating us lmfao
So we got off and had to find our way back to the entrance of the freeway >_<;

We found it YAY and I entered the right one this time OTL
But YAYYYY then we drove there for like 30 mins and the freeway was not that hard (:
And then all of a SUDDEN this sign was like “FREEWAY ENDING” and we were like WHAT THE FUCK?! Cuz on the directions it did not say that >_<; waahhh so scary lol I thought we were gonna die XD;

But after a while, we kept driving and saw streets that were mentioned in the directions and we were like YAYY we’re going the right way ^^; I wanted to stop by McDonald’s and get James a Mcflurry’s ahaha but I didn’t want it to melt by the time we got there OTL

FINALLY we drove onto the street where the restaurant was … and I was like hmm where’s the place?
AND THEN IT WAS RIGHT THERE LMFAO so it turned REALLY QUICKLY into the parking lot lmfao so scary >_<;  I’m a scary driver haha.

Right after I parked in this really compact place, we BARELY got out of the car and I spotted moonchul lmfao they were parked like one car from us XDDDD they just arrived the same time we did!! SJHSLFKJH SCREAMING FOREVERS MY FACE OTL

I smiled at moonchul and I was like “Hi moonchul !” and he was like “Thanks for coming” and I was like *dies*
Then I was like OH DAMN HE’S TALLER OR SOMTH O_O; cuz he looked WAYYY taller than what I remember last time OTL.

So I was like “you’re really tall LOL compared to what I remember”

I saw james and he said hi to us too *spazzes*

Then these girls came and talked to them and I thought they were friends/family so I felt a bit embarrassed and instead of hanging out and talking like I was planning to do, me and annie decided to just go scope out the restaurant first. We  found out later that they were also fans :///

It was a thai place and really nice~ there was bar too (:

We reserved a table for around 9:30 even though it was barely like 8:40. We were gonna leave to go to mcdonalds for something, but then right when we got to the door Moon and James came to open it and we were like :’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’D

And James was like: hey you guys were the ones dressed up as pirates last time right? :D

Me: do you remember my name?
Moon: What was your name again?
Me: Lynna.
James: I remember you from twitter ^_^
Me: *practically dies from embarrassment*
Me: Can we get a hug?
Them: sure!
So I hug moonchul and Annie hugs James and then we switch :3 They thank us again for coming klsjhflisfjhlisjh Hi okay I love them sfm ♥
James: we gotta go in to check in now so ..
Us: okay ~ *runs off*

We walk around the block of the restaurant for a little because we’re so super giddy and jittery lmfao and then we’re like “what are we doing lol” so we go back into the restaurant, sit around at the waiting booth for a while, go to the bathroom.  RP is like in the corner booth a little ways away from us but its okay I didn’t wanna be creeper and stalk them LOLS.

So we sat there and took a bunch of camwhoring pics lmfao.

Yup yup.

And then….the first performer guy comes up and he’s actually PRETTY GOOD O_O he sings really well and the music is really nice too ♥ we’re still in the waiting booth though so we don’t really pay attention, but of course that’s when James WALKS OVER TO US O_O and at the moment, we were on the phone with Karen LOLS OMG CREYS.

So he was all like
James: thanks again for coming, guys~  You guys are awesome
Us: no really, it’s fine ^_^;
James: You guys are here really early! It’s not going to start till around 10:30 D:
Us: LOL its okay XD
Me: Yeah we got lost on the way here lmfao.
Him: LOL REALLY  I’m sorry haha.. Did you guys eat yet? –points to the tables-
Us: No not yet.
Me: We don’t wanna eat so early haha. We’ll eat later ^_^;
Him: oh okay, I’ll see you guys in a bit okay.
Us: *~~~* okay~

He leaves and we just kind of die in our seats. LIKE WOW okay why the hell is he so freaking NICE AND SWEET SKHJSLFIIRJHLSIRJH. I can’t handle it creys ;A;

Then awhile after that we get our table and we ask the waitress for a table in the front and we get like the CLOSEST table to the stage lmfao

So we sit down, order our food and we’re just watching the singer on stage. He was so cute! :D really good too.  So he sings for another like hour or so and we’re just like chilling and eating.

I turn around a couple times and one time I turn around and James is look RIGHT AT ME AHAHAHA I was so embarrassed lmfao so awk klsjhlisrfjhslirjhsrh.

Then his performance is over and he’s like “next is royal pirates”

SFKHJSLIJLIRJH Everyone starts to cheer haha :D

And then the boys come on and start to set up ^_^ James spots us and smiles.  They keep walking back and forth in front of our table :33 Sooyoon sees us also and he’s like “hi guys” when I wave to him ^_^; Moonchul gives me eye contact a couple times ^_^;

James is wearing like a Maroon T-shirt (that shows off his body really well T__T), and tight grey jeans *~*
Moon is wearing a gray top that’s all loose and Korean-style ahaha it’s really REALLY nice!! I love that shirt on him sjhskjfh he has looser jeans than Mr. 6’3 here XD….

sooyoon is so well dressed *____* he has on a little Beret hat thing, glasses, a blue cardigan, and white Tee. OMG SO NICELY DRESSED ALL OF THEM.

I ask James how long does he think they’re gonna be up and he’s like “not that long…like 30 mins D:” and i was like T_T

And then there was this thing with a bunch of candles on it and the stage was really cramped alrdy so I was scared that moon was gonna get burned lol so I told James to blow out the candles cuz it was dangerous XD and he was like “that’s a good idea”

 :D :D
Also James was not on my side of the stage and so I was a bit upset XD

We just wait patiently while they set up and do mic checks and stuff :D
And finally they’re like ready to start :D
Moon: First song is called Supernova.
Us: WHOOOO~~~!

So they perform and slfjhlisfjhijdsfh YES THEY’RE AMAZING OKAY but I can’t put up fancams so CREYS. So much creys ;AAAAAA; They’re off to a really good start :3333 

I can’t stop myself from smiling at James and giggling loudly whenever he’s all getting into the music and bobbing his head ahahha he’s so cute!!! *squishes*  Yeah he totally notices me spazzing out and smiling like a cray cray lady SOBS >_>;

The next song is a new song called “Let me Hear You Say” :DDD it’s a slower song and really quite nice *squish*  Moon is such a good singer idek what ;AAA;  and James sings a bit more in the song and he sounds quite amazing :D Sooyoon slkjhlsfjhlisfh omg this boy is so precious ♥

Me and annie don’t hold up our signs at all though because it’s awk since we were sitting down lol »;
Mini break~ they take some water~ and Moon is about to introduce the next song when James cuts him off hahah this troll.

James: Thanks a lot for coming out, you guys.  We really appreciate it. Carmageddon was a big deal. Together we defeated Carmageddon.  And also what a great job to steve who performed right before us~
Crowd; *Cheers*

Moon: This next song is “To You” 

Then he says something about blah blah great musician and its all awk ahahaha omg lol Moon I love you, awkward turtle ♥

I don’t cheer as much this time as the first time we saw them because it really was an intimate event and there was barely anyone there so I kind of stayed quiet and just smiled mostly (:  I also wave to James a couple times, and there’s this one moment when I make a heart sign at him and he smiles so super widely lmfao so cute ♥ Then I get embarrassed and cover my face trololol.

The “To you” song is also slower and really relaxing and sweet ♥

James: This is so intimate.  :D  This is really intimate.
Crowd: *laughs*
James: I like it >:D
Moon: *giggles at me*
The next song is “stranger” and sjhlsfjh ffffuuuu  I love this song to death and I need a record version of it Please ;AAA;
James: We’ve actually got ONE left
Crowd: *gets all upset and starts going “NUUUUU”*
James: You might know this one.

It’s disappear of course!!! I didn’t even recognize it since they were doing all acoustic versions and then when Moon started singing I was like OHHHH AHAHA

Then I cheered and James smiled at me (:

LOL poor boy seems like he’s having a hard time singing the high-pitched parts while Moon is doing fine hahaha . James keeps making funny faces when he’s singing lol I keep laughing at him XD

Moon: Thanks for having us. That was the last song.

James gives a cheeky smile. The audience keeps going “ONE MORE!!!” and Annie is like “ENCOORE!!!” and we keep doing that lmfao till they’re all like O_O;

And then moon’s like “we actually don’t have anymore songs to play

Then everyone’s like “do covers!” and this girl is like “REPEAT!” XDDDD

So they’re guilted into doing a cover!! :DDD ME GUSTA.

They end up doing “Can’t buy me love” cover slfjhwlyujwlrjhlijrh my FAVORITE COVER of theirs because they look like they’re having so much fun everytime they do it XD ♥

James: In honor of Carmageddon. We’re gonna dedicate this song to Carmageddon.  :DDD

Moon: this is a beatles song.
WHOOO~~ so yeah they do “can’t buy me love” SFJHWLIRJHWLIRJH

SO CUTE OMFG CAN I JUST PUT JAMES IN MY POCKET FOREVER OMG CREYS. He’s all bobbing his head super dorkily  and cutely and ljfhklsjh they look like they’re just having a blast and so I love LOVE this cover ♥

Then it’s the end )))))))): SO FAST LOL it was only 25 mins klsjhlisjflhsj fucking creys.

So they start cleaning up and we just stay in our seats just waiting for them to finish cleaning hahaaha
After they finish cleaning, James comes up to us again and says thanks for coming again and that “you guys are awesome” and I was like no really its okay you guys were awesome too :D

And sometimes you wonder why he’s my bias.

He’s up on stage most of the time cleaning up and he chats with us and the other fan girls :3 SO CUTE *squishes*

FINALLY after like 20  mins they finish cleaning and we get up and head over to James to talk to him lsjhlsirfjhlsirjh and he kept saying thanks for coming and stuff I was like NO REALLY ITS OKAY ahha stop saying that. And he was like “you guys are coming to the next one right?” and we were like YEAH FERSURE.

I asked him if it was the last one and he was like yeah it is probably ://///// NO ME GUSTA AT ALL ://////////////////
So he was all like “okay, you’re Lynna and you’re…Annie?” and we’re like YES He’s up on stage most of the time cleaning up and he chats with us and the other fan girls :3 SO CUTE *squishes*

FINALLY after like 20  mins they finish cleaning and we get up and head over to James to talk to him lsjhlsirfjhlsirjh \

Annie: JAMES-SU!
James: *loling*
and he kept saying thanks for coming and stuff I was like NO REALLY ITS OKAY ahha stop saying that. And he was like “you guys are coming to the next one right?” and we were like YEAH FERSURE.
I asked him if it was the last one and he was like yeah it is probably ://///// NO ME GUSTA AT ALL ://////////////////
Me: when are you guys going to Korea?
Him: Mid-late august~

So he was all like “okay, you’re Lynna and you’re…Annie?” and we’re like YES ♥ OMFG he knows my name and everything can I just go cry forever now so happy ♥


And then other girls come up too and ask him to take pics and stuff too so we were like ;A; but our presents! ;AAA; so I awkwardly patted his arm and we gave him the present bag and he was like OMG NO WAY O_O and we were like *dies of embarrassment*

He was about to open it and I was like “NO DON’T OPEN IT LOL” and he was like okay thanks so much~ and he did like this super cutesy “YAYYY” pose XD;


Then he told us the guys were outside so we were like okay~~~ we run outside and its like super awk cuz it was JUST sooyoon and moon and their chingu lmfao. Something happened to the chingu and we were like “can we take pics?” and they were like sure :D

We went to drop stuff off in the car first and then came back and took pics skrhslirjfhjirsh creys.

We told them how we got lost and stuff and had to find a detour to avoid the 405 kekeke and then we told them we were from Huntington beach and Moon knew where that was ldjlsidjh ♥

And then we awkwardly gave them the presents and annie was like “we got you guys gifts~~” sdkljgsljhlsfjhlsfjh
And then moon was all like omg! :0 and sooyoon was like :00 too XD

And moon was like you guys are so sweet


And I was like “okay we’re embarrassed now so we’re gonna go haha” and he was like “LOL why~”

And then we asked for hugs again and I told them “good luck in the future. You guys are gonna do great” and Sooyon was like “thanks” when he hugged me and I think I died.

We went back inside to say bye to James

And we were like “We’re leaving now~” and he kept saying thanks for coming and told us to come next time and stuff klsjfhlsfhisjrfhlsrifhslijrhsh.

Then we asked for a final hug ;AAA; and he hugged me tightly ahhaa ♥ME GUSTA. He almost crushed annie and she was like “OW” LOLOLOL then he apologized and hugged her again :3

We all started walking outside and then realized that our car was right next to theirs so it was like AWK hahaha. The other girls followed them out too and they all just stood around, taking more photos and stuff and talking to them and I was so jelly ;AA; but we had to leave so we couldn’t hang out ;AAA;

So drove home and spazzed out of course. Sdlkhjlskjhlsijh. It was scary driving home haha but WE MADE IT HOME ALIVE AND SAFE!!!! First adventure together yayy good thing we didn’t die :DDDD

So um I love RP even more than before now and it’s so not healthy ):

WHAT’S THE FANCLUB NAME FOR RP FANS ANYWAYS? I am obviously one…. it should be like Royalties or something :333


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