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Showing posts from 2011

letter from a fan

From now on, I’ll just be your fan. And admire you from afar, and wish you all the happiness that you deserve. I will pray for your success and support you from the sidelines. Watch you as you grow more and more talented and beautiful each day. Watch as your music becomes huge hits and soon you will have hordes of adoring fans at your feet. I won’t try to be a part of your life anymore. I was never meant to be a part of your life. I won’t try to mean something to you, or make a huge impression on you. Because I’m just a fan, in the end, and my happiness was not meant to be intermingled with yours. I’m just a fan, only meant to watch you without you realizing how happy I am for you.  Just a single fan, and I don’t mean much at all but I always mean well. I’ll just love your music from now on, and not let my inconvenient feelings get in the way.  I won’t try to be much more than I should be — just a fan. Just a customer who buys your music, who goes to your shows, wh

Royal Pirates @ Viper Room 08/27/11

The evening started off with us getting stuck in HORRIBLE traffic on the 5 freeway for about 53246346 hours LOL.  We started getting nervous because we planned on getting there 1 hour earlier than the show but we were nearing the half hour mark and so it was kind if nerve-wracking. I felt like I was going to throw up because I was so nervous. We also had a really hard time finding parking for some reason and idk it was just a stupid experience overall because we could have just parked right next to the Viper Room but we didn't even think of that thought. We parked like 10 minutes away (walking distance) from the venue... OTL oh yeah and then we decided to park in this weird parking structure or something. It was so unbelievably HOT in there!! It was like ten thousand degrees seriously! >_<; I was practically suffocating OTL. And then SOMEONE decided to go into this random door on the side cuz apparently it said "exit" but idk, I just got a really bad feeling

Royal Pirates @ the Roxy -- Fan Account 08/05/11

OKAY so this is so insanely long that it's kind of ridiculous and I really feel bad for those who are determined to actually go through this whole thing. IT'S SO LONG :| I'm really sorry. I just can't seem to shut up in fan accounts LAWL. but um I seriously applaud you if you get through this whole thing XDDDDD. gOODDDD LUCK~ UUuuughhhh I am still kind of numb all over with the shock and adrenaline of how freaking phenomenal last night was. I mean SERIOUSLY. Probably their best performance yet. Omg I am still a little bit shaky as I'm writing this ;A; so um, on the way there, of course we almost DIE again because the directions from mapquest are made by fucking TROLLS and they're so ridiculously confusing. I think they WANT people to get lost. UUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH -_- so we partied hearty in the car blasting Mr. SImple and Mona Lisa and Mirotic kekekeke It was so awesome. Took a BUUUNNNCCHHHH of selcas and random camwhoring pics LAWL. Me

[FAN ACCOUNT] Royal Pirates @ KAH restaurant “Intimate” Acoustic Night

So around like 3PM me and Annie were just going on facebook, and being bored and then suddenly I see Moonchul’s status update that says there was a GIG!!! And  I was like WTF I DID NOT HEAR ABOUT THIS AT ALL. I checked all of their pages and it turns out they just announced the gig THE NIGHT BEFORE LMFAO and it was going to be the following day XDDD So I started spazzing out and calling my sister but she didn’t pick up and we couldn’t reach anyone else either ;A; I’ve never driven on the freeway before OTL so I was like oh shit how are we gonna get there ;A; We mapquested the directions and the place was a restaurant in Manhattan beach and it would take us like 50 mins to get there from my house. Plus it was Carmageddon yesterday lmfao so the 405 was close and we needed it to get there >< so we looked up a detour route and we were like “omfg are we gonna go?! DDDD:” It was at 10 that night so we had some time to plan things out »; LOL and no one picked up still even though w