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Royal Pirates @ the Roxy -- Fan Account 08/05/11

OKAY so this is so insanely long that it's kind of ridiculous and I really feel bad for those who are determined to actually go through this whole thing. IT'S SO LONG :| I'm really sorry. I just can't seem to shut up in fan accounts LAWL. but um I seriously applaud you if you get through this whole thing XDDDDD.
UUuuughhhh I am still kind of numb all over with the shock and adrenaline of how freaking phenomenal last night was. I mean SERIOUSLY. Probably their best performance yet. Omg I am still a little bit shaky as I'm writing this ;A;
so um, on the way there, of course we almost DIE again because the directions from mapquest are made by fucking TROLLS and they're so ridiculously confusing. I think they WANT people to get lost.
so we partied hearty in the car blasting Mr. SImple and Mona Lisa and Mirotic kekekeke It was so awesome. Took a BUUUNNNCCHHHH of selcas and random camwhoring pics LAWL.
Me and my friend Kimly:

Me camwhoring LAWWWLLL:

Karen and Brittany:


My outfit if you were curious~

my hat! :D

We got there at like around 9:45 and then we couldn't find parking, freaked out about that, and finally found some random lot and parked there -_-; and then when we went to the Roxy, I guess the times had been changed because RP was supposed to be at 11:30 but on the sign it said they were going at 12:30 D;
So we paid and went in (the prices also went up! it was supposed to be $12 but we had to pay $13.50) and the bouncer was pretty mean :\ What an asshole he was -_-;
So we were all kind of in bad mood alrdy cuz everything was kind of not going to plan.  We just sat in the lobby and chatted for a while. Oh btw we all looked so BOMBBB! with our pirate hats and everything ;D  Tons of people kept asking us what they were for XD

We walked back and forth between the stage area and the lobby area to make sure we didn't miss them if they came in either direction.
We waiiitttteeeeddd for like EVER and we were like "omg they're probably already here" cuz it was like 11 and we still didn't spot them ;AAA; As I was standing near the stage watching the current performance, a staff guy came up to us:
Him: Hey do you guys know the band that you're here for?
Me: The Royal Pirates?
Him: Yeah, do you know them?
Me: Not personally, no.
-later on-
Me: Excuse me!
Him: Yes?
Me: Are they not here yet?
Him: No,they're not
Me: Oh, they're supposed to be here?
Him: Well, yeah.
So me and Kimly figured they were running late so we just kind of decided to stake out both the lobby and the stage area (that's near the backstage area)
Then when I was sitting with Brittany in the lobby area, suddenly a super tall guy came in the doors and I was like :OOOOOOOOO it was James LOL but I just kind if FROZE when I saw him, he was too handsome! >_< My brain didn't work and I didn't start moving till waayyyyy later OTL and when I was able to run after him, he already walked away LMFAO I AM SO FREAKING SLOW SOMETIMES I SWEAR D:
Kimly and Karen came up to us from the stage area and they were like "Oh my lord we just saw James" and i was like "LOL YEAH ME TOO but I was too mentally challenged to follow him and say hi right away haha"
and then I stood with Kimly and Karen in the stage area for a while and that was when Sooyoon walked RIGHT PAST US and again we didn't have the mental capacity to say anything and by the time my brain was working he already walked backstage haha OMG SO MUCH FAIL I SWEAR!!!
But that's okay cuz we totally caught Moon as he walked up to us :) He waved and we said Hi and stuff :D And then he shook my hand and hugged me haha. It was a very nice hug indeed ! :)) I am not exaggerating .. Moon gives niiiiceee hugs ^^;;
Me: So, how are you feeling?? Excited??
Moon: Yeah!! Thanks for coming tonight, you guys are awesome
And then he had to go backstage too OTL
Then I think that's when James came out and started walking around again. I ran into him in the hallway AHAHA and I patted his arm and he turned to me an smiled and he was like "hey! Thanks for coming :))))"
I guess he was in a hurry cuz he kind of walked off somewhere I was just kind of standing there like *Q*
and then we went back to the lobby where we found him to some people. haha So I gave him eye contact and of course he said Hi again~ Oh James ~♥
and then he hugged me
And he
HAHAHAHA  He said Hi to Karen, Kimly and Brittany too. :D :D:D:D
His hug was nice as always ;A;
but kind of awk cuz he was SO FLIPPIN TALL HAHA :D
He smelled really nice . okay that was creepy. I need to stop LAWL.
Then he was like "We'll be walking around so we'll see you guys~" and I was like "OKAYYY :D"
and he went outside to talk to some friends. So yeah then we all hung out in the lobby and spazzed lmfao.
Way later on like 20 mins later, he was in the stage area talking to some ppl again and I wanted to get him on the phone with annie but then he seemed super busy and started going on his phone and talking to someone else and i was like ;A; and plus it was SOOO LOUD IN THERE that there was no way he'd be able to talk to her anyways ;AAAA;
awhile after that, Linda joined us and she walked in with James right next to her LOL but idk if she noticed him ahaha we pointed him out and she was like "oh yeah I saw him already LAWL"
after that, we just hung out in the stage area because the band before them was about to be finished and I guess they were getting ready or something cuz we didn't see any of them for a really looonnnnnnggg time haha XD  and of course once again sooyoon walked RIGHT PAST US and no one noticed until he walked away so we didn't get to say hi to him again LOL so much fail. But when moon came out after him  and walked past us, I saw him and was like "hi moon! ^^" and he waved at me :D
Okay I must admit that Moon looked quite breathtaking last night. I mean....he was really on it last night. Perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect everything. He was just exuding like SO MUCH CHARM that I usually don't see too often from him and I think it was really amazing :))))) he climbed up my bias list last night haha. SSHHHH don't tell James!!
so RIGHT when the band previous to them finished, we like RAN over to the front of the stage, put the present bags down and just totally staked out the middle FRONT center of the stage AHAHA OMG we were so ninja. I can't believe we actually did it tho O_O
so we totally stood there and like prepared ahah we like got out all the cams and fansigns and stuff :D talked to some fans around us :D I met this girl named Kim and she was a sooyoon bias :D I gave her a card thingy and she wrote his name on it so it was a makeshift fansign kekeke. Then this girl behind was like "JAMES LEE~!" and i was like haha!! I showed her my Royal James Sign and she was like :0000 "i'm his friend! Can I take a picture of it?" and i was like sure!! so she took a pic of me and said she would send it to james KEKEKE :D ME GUSTA :0

this was the back of my sign:

HO HUM. and then ummmm idk talked to some other ppl, and linda creeped underneath the curtain to see if they were setting up and RIGHT when she looked James turned around and saw her LMFAOOOO OMGG SO FUNNNYYYYYY. lol it was pretty hilarious .
so um yeah we just stood around, waiting~ and then finally, they did some mic checks aH I could hear james' voice *~~~~*
and then the curtain rose SLRFWIHJSIJHSH we started screaming as soon as it started haha :D UUGHHH it was sooo amazingggg.
They looked really happy to be there ;) they started into the first song right away and we were cheering like crazy ahaha. OMG moon was using a drumstick to play his guitar for like a couple seconds and it was insanely hot I think I almost died somewhere in there OTL.
If I make any remarks about any of them looking at me/making eye contact/smiling at me, it could be the truth but most likely it's part of my overactive imagination and I'm just seeing what I wanted to see LOL so please take my words with a grain of salt.
so okay ummmmm I think James had on like the biggest grin/smirk/:D face when they started omggg it was really adorable AHAHA I almost died though. He's sexy :|
He kept looking at me and biting his lips AHAHA IDK what that was but oh holy hell. I think I pretty much became a pile of goo anytime they looked at me because I pretty just keeled over and covered my face LOL i was so flustered. I can't stand when insanely hot people stare at me like that >/////////<
They were jumping around, rocking out so hard it was great. The crowd was awesome as well. We all rocked out, bobbed our heads and like danced haha :D

Okay so I'm not gonna lie and admit that I totally screamed the loudest/the most LOL OMG i was SO FREAKING LOUD I KEPT SCREAMING EVEN THO NO ONE ELSE WAS AHAHA I just get caught up in those moments and just scream, though XD;  Hopefully I wasn't annoying :| But i think i was ahaha w/e.
Next song: Supernova AAAAAAAAAAHHHH I SPAZZED OUT SO BAD as soon as they played the first notes AHAHA omg moonchul totally smiled at me when I started spazzing out and everyone else around was like O_o; And James totally saw me dying too and he smirked LOL OMG why do i always make such a fool of myself XD;

I rocked out sooo hard to supernova I think I kind of almost fell over ahaha. It's a great GREAT song.
OKAY THEY ALSO NEED TO STOP IT WITH THE SUGGESTIVE POSES. LIKe. omg. James. you and your bass and putting one leg up and omg. And Moon with the bending back and prancing around.  i really cannot handle that. I can't. I almost always have to cover my mouth to stop myself from shouting out vulgarities LOL so whenever they see me covering my mouth, it's because I'm pretty tempted to shout out something totally inappropriate LAWL.
After that, of course James has his little fanserice-y talking sesh XD he introduces them as Royal Pirates, we all go cray cray.  Then he calls Sooyoon the beast from the east ahaha I'm going to die from ur cheesiness, mister XD.  and then he says something about Moon being half human half ... something LAWL. Moon gives the most adorable smile ever. haha and he introduces himself, "And my name is James"
slfjhlsrjhsh but its okay I screamed for all of them :D
Next song was "Let Me Hear You Say" :)  aahhh soooo good *~~~~*
Okay so. I KNOW for a fact they saw our signs :))) sljhlsjhsh we had to make sure that we didn't both hold up the James sides at the same time though hahaha. cuz look this is the other fansign's back and front:

I think they were really happy to see the signs :) When I shook my around with James side on it, he smiled so big ahaha it was so adorable to see and Moon's expression became brighter when he spotted his name on the sign Karen was holding :''''D
He needs to stop smirking/slightly winking at me. It's making me kind of lose my mind. He kept doing that omg. And I have Kimly to prove it hah cuz she was riight next to me and she would squeal with me whenever something like that happened LOL OMG we are so lame.
Kay so after that perf ...
James: So next we got a nice Korean treat for you guys
James: He goes by the name of Sooyoon
Moonchul as he hands his mic to Sooyoon: Bye~ I'm done for tonight
Crowd: AAWWWWWW )))):
so SY steps up and okay can I just say that he's the sweetest/cutest/most precious creature ever ? ;AAAA; omg he was so QQQTTTTTT!!!! aahhhh He was all shy when talking to us omg I'm gonna die. SO CUUUUUTE!!!! I STILL think his smile is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen in my LIFE. IT's like brighter than the sun. BRIGHTER I TELL YOU.

he was all flustered that we were cheeering soo much for him ahah omg how presh ;A;
SY: kay i know i play the drums, but I also sing and write songs
us: WHOOO!
OKAY SO THE SOLO SONG WAS 100 ROSES OMG YOU GUYS YOU CAN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THIS SONG MEANS TO ME OMG I'M GONNA DIE. so yeah as soon as he started singing, i let out a completely crazed/shocked scream ahaha omg and then i started cheering but I had to stop because I started tearing up. This song means so much to me and he's so beautiful singing it and omg it was just very VERY touching.
It was heartwarming to see everyone in the crowd singing along :) I think he felt more confident as he kept singing. I'm so happy.
I took out the 100 roses we made for him and showed it to him as he was singing :) his eyes like brightened up ahah it was adorbs ♥ So much love ♥
After that, the two boys came back on and James was thanking us for coming and how he saw a five year old in the restroom and how their fans are so widespread aha :D
James: this next song is about love. Give it up if you've got love.
There was a moment of like bad feedback and technical issues. So omg awesomest THING EVERRRR Sooyoon freaking bursts out into a drum solo omg I think i nearly had a heart attack it was soooo BAMF OMGGGGGGG  James joins him omg . okay it was freaking AWESOME how they just spontaneously did that I died . I died soo hard.
Next song was Stranger :)
Moon did some crazy stuff like spinning around on one foot i swear i thought those cords were gonna trip him to death omg it was SCARY D:
I love this damn song and I rocked out SO HARD to it too ahaha I almost like fell over again cuz I was jumping around so much and headbanging XD And i was screaming like a crazy person
The song they did after that seemed like they had SO MUCH FUN!!!! James kept making funny faces when he had to sing the high-pitched parts ahah It was le hot :| but he kept making dorky faces and i was lawling :D
Okay so there was totally this one part when Moon like looked at me while I was filming him and  I guess he was trying to get me to film him or something cuz the look he gave was like smoldering AHAHA and idk I guess it's cuz I kept filming James the whole time OTL.  so then guess what he does, walks over to where I am and stands right in front of me and totally like rocks out on his guitar in front of me lol omg. I almost had a heart attack and had to back away XD
OMG AND during this song Moon like runs over to James at the end and like SLIDES ONTO THE GROUND LIKE OH HOLY BAMF. O_O i was like "WHHHOOOOAAAA!!!"

and when he gets up, their cords are all tangled ahah and they had to walk around each other haha it was quite amusing.
Then they sang a song called 'the answer" and Karen was all like "YOU ARE THE ANSWER, JAMES" TROLOLLOLOL.
agree :|
After that song, James thanks the roxy :))and some other ppl.
"And the fans, Fans. You guys are the reason we keep doing this"
JameS: we love making music to you.
Then moon was drinking gatorade all cutely ahah and the crowd was giggling XDDD LAWL IDEK.
"You Fade" was next I believe.
so slow and nice :)) I swayed along to it hah so my fancam looks like I'm on a boat or something LAWWWL.
James: this is our last song. Thanks for coming out
of course it's disappear :)
AAHH i remember spazzing out so hard omfg i mustve looked pretty insane AHAHA. THERE BE INSANE SCREAMING at the end of the perf oh my god LOL it sounds like i just got abducted by aliens or somth idek.
so we wait loyally outside of the backstage door for like 20 mins and peak at them cleaning up AHAHA OTL it was soo funny.  but then they never came out ): the nice staff guy even told us that he asked them to come out and talk to us D: but they didnt D: and we started panicking LAWL
then a really nice ahjusshi came to us and was like "oh they're outside!" And we were like SLHWRIHJLIRJHWRHLKJRH.
and i like speed walked outside but then i didn't even NOTICE that all the boys were just standing in the lobby and I walked RIGHT PAST THEM AHAHAHA. I almost had a freaking heart attack AGAIN because they changed clothes and they all looked sooo nice UUUGHHH ;A;
The boys laughed at me when they noticed that i totally walked past them without even knowing haha.  I walked back and I said hi to moon and James and James hugged me ... *A*
and I told him that they did a phenomenal job :)
And then we started trickling outside because the staff were kicking all of the people out AHAHA :D
I have no idea where James went I totally lost track of him but we all were holding separate gifts bags~~~~
And i happened to have moon's and he happened to be standing right next to me AHAHA so I was like *SHYLY* "hey moon, this is for you"
this is his:

(me and annie shopped and bought him a really cool Jacket from forever21 Men's and a stripey tank top ^^ since he wanted a fashionable present kekeke)
and he was like ":000 for me ? again??" and i was like "yup ^^"
and he took it and was like "omg thank you"
and gave me another hug *~~~*
apparently Karen gave sooyoon the roses and his gift already and I missed his reaction B'awwwww ):  but I guess he really liked the flowers :)))
sooyoon's present:

and i also made him an RP cap! -->

Okay everything was so hazy but I think I remember Moon telling me about Korea and stuff and I was like "you guys will do so great :)))"
and then he smiled and thanked me ♥ and then he was like "I think we're having another show before going to Korea" and i was like :0000 are u SERIOUS RN?! DKFJHSLIRJHSRH DEATH IS NEAR. because if i really get to see them one more time...OMG ): MOST BLESSED PEOPLE EVER ;A;
Then Brit came out with James present and I let her give it to him kekeke.
I was all like "no, no open it right now I want to see your reaction" :)))
and he was like okay! so he took out the basketball and was like "OH MY GOSH!!! Did u guys spray paint this?"
and what happens next is all on this video ahaha:
James: oh my god you guys are awesome!! *bounces ball* Oh, am I not supposed to do that? XD
You. Adorbs ;A;
I totally asked him for another hug ;A; SRORY I JUST CAN'T HELP IT HE'S SO .
so here's the basketball and all the gift bags together... James' is the white bag-->

behind the scenes of making said ball! -->

We also got him a REALLY nice gray cashmere sweater from Forever21 Men's ^^;;;
SH:WIRSJHLIRSJH OKAY YEAH I know. I totally went overboard with presents because I totally thought this was the last time we were seeing them!! I didn't know there was gonna be another show LAWL ;A;
and then ... Sooyoon came out and I saw that he was holding the roses :) RaTHER PRECARIOUSLY LOL he was like  swinging them around upside down and i was like "OH MY GOODNESS, SWEETIE. THOSE FLOWERS ARE GONNA DIE IF U KEEP DOiNG THAT"
ahah so we made him put it back inside the bag XD They were srsly about to fall apart AHAHA.  and during all this commotion, James totally like turned around and was like "O_O" and he looked down ,saw the roses and had the most ADORABLE reaction EVER that I SERIOUSLY EXPECTED HIM TO HAVE HAHA.
he got all jealous of the roses SLRFJHLRJHSLRJH
James: What?? He gets FLOWERS!!?? DDD:<
and then we were all like "Awwww James~~~~! dont be sad~~!" and we tried to like pat him and stuff and he got all like pouty and turned away from us and scowled ahah omg SO CUTE. So jealous and adorable :))) and then he pretended to be mad as us and walked away LAWLLL.
James, if you want, I will make 200 roses for you next time. No hesitation whatsoever. I just need your word on it .. >_>
We talked to them some more... I think James also mentioned that they were having another show before leaving and I was like YAYYYY~ cuz he was like not sure when they were leaving anymore. Oh yeah and also i remember this one part when someone asked him what happened to his eyebrow and he totally made a big scene about it and was like "OMG MOONCHUL LIKE ATTACKED ME WITH HIS GUITAR! D:" and made Moonchul go all like ":////"
hahah omg they're so freaking derpy and cute XD;
But overall it was REALLY REALLY HECTIC and we kept trying to ask for some photos and it was SO HARD because they were talking to SO MANY PEOPLE AHAH.
We got moon to take a photo with brittany though :) and then he took a group shot with us awww ;) SO NICEEEE ♥

James looks like a scary ghost in the back LAWWWWL
We just hung around, talked to them and stuff some more . Spazzed inwardly AHAHA.
Brittany: oh yeah you were teasing us about the dress code! (i love her for bringing this up ahahaha)
Moon: *flustered* Oh…yeah :3 I meant … you’re supposed to be totally naked….
Me: So um, why aren’t you following the dress code? XDD
Moon: *super flustered*
Me: So …?

So I totally messed with him and I was like “HEY JAMES” and he was like “?”
Me: What’s my name? XD
Him: Lynna~
i did the same thing with Moon XDD
Me: Hey moon, what’s my name? :D
Moon: ummm… starts with an L~  Lynna?  (he pronounced it linh-a)
Me: leena ^_^

I kept getting eye contact with them LAWL and then i remember sooyoon finally coming out from the crowd and we actually got to talk to him for a bit too aww~ he was SO NICE and patted me on the back when he hugged me and said thanks and stuff. :DDDDDDD
oh and I managed to ask him for a pic and we all squeezed in ^^;

OH MY GOODNESS all the boys complimented our pirates hats and all said they loved it :) GOOD CALL  FROM ME~I HAS GOOD IDEAS YES I DO XD But now i totally expect 54684 people to be wearing pirates hats next time too LOL Since moon made a big deal about it facebook hahaha :x
when i finally got around to asking James for a picture ... I was nice enough to take the group shot with him and the others ... and i was totally expecting a solo shot with him...but he walked away LAWL OMG i was so freaking sad T_T
but its okay. the photo came out great ;_____________;

okay is that shirt not totally gorgeous ? >_>
PHEWW~ and then James was all likie "We gotta go ):" but then they kept getting swamped by people and I felt sooo bad ;A; slihlksjhfs and more and more ppl kept coming up and not letting them leave ahaha so they stayed like another 20 mins and James totally got yelled at by an ahjumma (Not sure who she was >_<) but it was so funny ahah he was all like "D: AHH i'm getting yelled at" and she was like "LETS GO ! LETS GO!!"
ahahlksjhlisrjh :D
And we hung out a bit more till like 2.
but then i was like shit we gotta go or our car will be locked in the lot ahaha.
I went to moon and was like "Hey we're leaving ):" and he was like "omg okay thanks for coming out :)" and hugged me . again :00000
And Then i did the same thing to sooyoon and he was like thanks too sklfjhlskjhsh
and then we all said bye to them all and hugged them.
And then when we said bye to James I was like "Hey we're gonna go now... D:" and he was like oh okay~
Me: .....Can ....I....have another hug? T_T
I need to stop being creeper lsjhlrsjhwlirsjhrsh i am so transparent LMFAAAO.
and so then... we left ... walking to our car ... it was  a pretty sad moment haha.
When we drove past the roxy as we were heading home, though, we screamed out 'WHHHOOO ROYAL PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!" and just then the boys were crossing the road and Moon and Sooyoon waved at us AHAHA and James just had like a "WHAT JUST HAPPENED" face OTL OTL
slkjhflskjfhlsfh DERP ALL OVER.
okay so yeah.
pretty amazing night.
I had a blast. Almost too much fun ;AAA;
and now i have withdrawal... ;A;
This has been Lynna! Over and out :) ♥


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