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KMF 2011 fan account-- U-KISS biased....EXTREMELY u-kiss biased XD

ALRIGHT. I know this is like a MONTH overdue LOLS but ummm I kind of finished this a long time ago -- I just didn't know if I should post it or not because I was kind of wanting to keep it private, but I do want to share the vids and stuff so umm yeah, here we go :) please bear with me! there's soo many details and this is really long since it's more of personal fan account :D

this was honestly the best weekend of my life. JYJ and SMTOWN were just not up to par even though they were both awesome experiences in themselves >_<;

we left at around 1:40 on friday after school for me.  We parked the car at Long Beach and went to the train station. We took the metro to get to the Sheraton because we didn't want to deal with parking issues on KMF day.
here's us in our awesome concert gear XD
shirts say: U-KISS Don't Deny our Rsquared pi~~

Got to the Sheraton at around 3:30 or so~ KEKKE 3:30!! PUN NOT INTENDED >>
and then we had gone in the hotel and checked it out, hearing that Dongho was JUST seen going up stairs! we had just missed him ):
we were planning to talk to some other ppl too but we decided to just drop off our stuff in our room first, haha.

so we checked in and dropped off our stuff -- we got some food (sandwiches that we made ><)
and then headed back out at around 4pm.
we just hung around at the top entrance (right next to the doors so that we would catch anyone who came up and through the doors)

we sat down on the other side of the top entrance (there was a little corner that for some reason nobody hung out in O_O so we just hung out in there and it was a pretty good spot cuz we could still catch anyone who was gonna walk through)

so yeah..sat there for about 20 minutes when we saw this car pull up and this one girl got out .I wasn't sure who she was at first but I knew she was famous because there was a sudden tension buzz so we were on our guard trying to find out who she was. When she entered thet hotel, not much screaming, but it was tense so then we paid closer attention. We realized later that she was Baek Ji young who sang the OST for Secret Garden! ♥ LOOOOVEE HER.

That's when there was sudden SCREAMING from no where and we peaked our head our from the wall and instantly GOT UP and RAN over to the escalator where there was a crowd of people !!! 


the first person off the escalator was Dongho I believe, and I instantly turned to annie and started screaming at her and she was screaming too XD I don't remember who was next because they were all walking SO FAST and the managers were trying to block us but it's okay I remember staring at eli's gorgeous face and soohyun walking past us but not looking up ): I called Kiseop's name (he was on the other side) and he actually looked up! ♥

and then I remember I probably touched soohyun and eli's arms at one point but it's pretty fuzzy memory.

Then the part I really remember was me grabbing Kevin's arm (okay, it was a gentle grab XD) and I kept screaming KEVIN KEVIN KEVIN KEVIN over and over until he finally looked up at me, WAVED AND SMILED and then I think I died -- omg I love that boy ))):

 they left through the front doors and we seriously had a DUMB pause moment cuz we just STOOD there inside the hotel while everyone else was walking.following them outside the hotel LOL so finally we started running out there too and somehow we were super ninja and ended up in the front of EVERYONE and RIGHT behind U-KISS XD

As they entered their bus, Kevin turned around and waved and so did Kiseop ♥ AHHH soooo cute! :D

We all stood outside the bus and somehow my entire group was in the front of EVERYONE else LOL we were right next to the bus waving at the windows but they were pretty dark so we weren't really sure who we were even waving at but then slowly we started seeing someone inside waving back at us and I'm pretty sure it was Kevin and someone else (hoon? or eli?)

AHHH then we just kept waving/ screaming and we decided to make a formation so that could read our shirts and I'm almost positive they saw them!!! ♥♥♥ kekeke :D All four of us decided to shout "U-KISS" at the same time and I'm sure they heard us because someone was waving at us and stuff hehe ♥

omg then we realized we had a gift bag and hadn't been able to give it to them (I think I tried to hand it to Kevin earlier but he didnt grab it or see it idk)

so we went to the bus entrance and asked this man inside to give it to them LOLS but i guess he didn't understand what we were saying. Finally, U-KISS's manager came out to the entrance and he took our gift bag!!! AHHH EXCITING~! ♥♥♥

We were soooo HAPPY that they actually got our gifts~!! Karen gave Eli a panda hat and a notebook and Linda gave a postcard to all of them~ we also made Keychains with their names on it and skljhgskljfhsh I hope they liked it ♥♥♥♥ I'm sooo happy they were able to receive our gifts!! I was almost thinking maybe we wouldn't have been able to give it to them at all >_>;;
we hung out outside the hotel hoping the bus would come back >_> but yeah it didn't come back haha. le fancam~

We talked to SO MANY KISS MEs outside!!! They were all so awesome and nice~! There was this one girl who actually had seen U-KISS when they were SHOPPING IN MACY'S~~!!!! apparently they were shopping earlier before we got there and we missed them!!! ))))):
they were walking back to the hotel .. just ON THE SIDEWALK SF:HKFOKH >< and KEVIN DID A HEART SYMBOL AT HER!!!!!!!!!! she died omg omg ! I was soo jealous ><

we talked to like 4-5 other ppl/KISSmes too and everyone was so cool and nice~! I think we saw some sistar girls go into the hotel and there was some excitement. I'm not sure who it was, but there was another van that pulled and like two girls got out of it -- there was this blondish orangey hair girl (i don't think it was sistar) that walked with so much attitude she srsly looked retarded LOLS i got annoyed so I mocked her XD and all the KISS MES laughed XD
I'm pretty sure One way's chance showed up as well and made a commotion haha.

We heard from two other ppl that Jay park was there earlier and that he was a total arrogant douchebag .. but uh yeah I was kind of already expecting that >_>; Apparently when he was on the bus, the two girls that I talked to was invited ON TO the bus to get a pic with Jay. So they went in and he was all like "Okay, let's get this over with"

LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?! that's so rude and cocky and lsjhklsjhf he pisses me off. I don't understand why ppl like him so much wtf he's such an asshole. sjhklsjhf ANGRYYYY. anyways, enough about ppl who I don't like/care about.

We went to a U-KISS fanmeet by rocketboxx and it was pretty fun meeting the other fans :) We met some pretty nice people ♥ Hopefully if they read this they'll add me on tumblr/twitter or something XD here some pics we took~


yup after all that excitement, we went back to our rooms to relax some more and eat and stuff and then we relaxed a bit -- just messed around and talked and stuff. Then I realized that I hadn't been able to give U-KISS My fan letters!!! I thought they were in the gift back but apparently they werent T^T So we made another gift bag XD we put snacks in there like Chocopie, pocky, and milkis~! I also finished writing my fan letters/cards to the boys. OMG my kevin letter was LEGITTTT it was sooo pretty ♥ hehe ! :D I hope he liked it~! I also wrote one to Kiseop and the last one was to all of them in one >< I wish I had written Eli a separate card too because I love him so much right now omg ):

anyways, annie took a power nap while me, karen, and linda went back downstairs to do some more stalking (it was around 7:30 by now) we went to walgreens to buy a bigger memory card for the camera and I bought flowers for Kevin~! ♥
Karen and Linda also bought roses for Eli and Kiseop :D
we made a new gift bag with treats and flowers:

we hung out with the two girls who we were talking to earlier ~ They were so cool hahah they were pretty funny :) 

Then annie woke up and came out to hang out with us at around 8 PM ...
G.NA showed up I think and got a big mob haha but she was nice though and started doing signatures :)

then came the dreadful hours LOL we sat outside in the freezing cold waiting for them to come back ... we were outside for like FIVE HOURS because they DEFINITELY did not come back at 10PM LOL. they tried to evade the fans I guess because they slowly trickled back to the hotel all in different cars!! The only one who actually took the front door was Kiseop and he looked really tired because he didn't wave/say hi to the fans T_T WE DIDNT EVEN RECOGNIZE HIM for like five minutes LOL because he was wearing sunglasses and a hoodie >>;

then we realized it was him and we started chasing him when he was on the escalator because all we wanted to do was to give him a rose T_T finally ninja Linda caught up to him at the end of the stairs and she was able to give him the rose before he want off into the elevators~ OMO I was also able to catch up and and I patted his arm softly saying, "Saranghaeyo~"
kfjglksjfsh he seemed down though so I was pretty sad D;

Then there was some more commotion because apparently AJ's car was parking in the front too -- then it drove off and ppl figured out that it was going to the entrance downstairs where the parking garage was >_< 

we were able to run down there and just as Annie and I were going to head down to the downstairs entrance, this girl was like "PSYCHE~ they went in the other way" so we thought she meant that they went ANOTHER direction so we went around looking for it when it turned out he did come in the downstairs entrance -___-;;;;;;;;
Linda and Karen were down there though and they were very civil towards him and just gave him our gifts~ with my letters ♥ but I didn't get to see him T_T he seemed really nice~ here's the video.

Hoon was there also but he was walking in before AJ and he was really tired.
We heard from the rocketboxx kissmes (who were part of the small group at the downstairs entrance)

that eli, soohyun, and dongho had already come in wayyy earlier through the downstairs entrance and we had missed them!!! one of the girls got to hug eli WAAHHHH SO JEALOUS OMFGGGG JEALOUUUUSSS!!! >_<;;;

but either way... it seemed that soohyun and dongho looked super tired/down so they didnt wave or anything ): but eli was being is usual amazing self and was super nice~ awww sweet Eli I love him so much T_T sfjhsjhf ♥

WAE U GOTTA BE AMAZING LIKE THAT ELI?! making me change my biases and shit like that? XD ♥

so we concluded that the only person left who had not gone back to the hotel was Kevin and so we all waited downstairs (just a small group) and we all got sooooo tired and sleeepyyy because Kevin was out with his cousin eating dinner and still hadn't gotten back yet and by this time it was already like 1AM !!! we still stayed and waited because I just had to give him my bouquet of flowers~! that was all ~~ >_< I fell asleep on the carpet of the downstairs entrance LOLS i think other ppl did too. I felt like i was going to freaking DIE~!! where was Kevin?!?! we all decided to head back once it was 2AM but by 1:30 I was such a zombie and every one else was too so we all decided to give up and call it a night.

We all went back to our rooms and practically passed out LMFAO. I was dead tired ... I don't think I've ever been that exhausted in my life T_T waah~ Kevin~ how come you didn't come meet your Kiss mes? it's okay though, if you had funnn~ ♥

I didn't sleep that well though and kept waking up because there was lots of noise. Annie slept on my bed while Linda and Karen shared one LOLS. It was a nice bed, but the sheets were really heavy and made me feel oppressed ><; but overall it was a nice ass bed haha.


The next morning was a beauuutttiful morning though and I woke up feeling pretty fucking great despite the bad condition I went to sleep at haha. Apparently Kevin tweeted at six in the morning saying "ahh~ I can't sleep" LOL WTF KEVIN what were u doing?!?! Did u JUST get back at like 5AM for something?? WAAAH you party boy hahaha ♥ I love you ><

we all took turn taking NICE ASS SHOWERS OMG I love that shower in there it felt heavenlyy~~~ we made ramen noodles (the fucking ghetto ass coffee maker that was used kept fucking up BSBSDODHSGWRHG)
and headed downstairs to the lobby to eat breakfast  and wait to see if our boys were going to come down and eat too :D 

We finished breakfast and stuff at maybe around 10AM~ we walked around and stuff wondering where U-KISS was~ It was a pretty calming morning.  G.NA showed up again and there was another mob around her LOLS but it was a peaceful mob haha. very nice and quiet while she took pictures and signed :) she seemed soo nice ♥ ...I take that back, she was a nicest freaking thing ever ><;;

Then at around 10:30AM my group went UPSTAIRS to the usual corner where we hang out at to stalk ppl (i mentioned it earlier as the corner hidden behind a wall where the main entrance was.)
we just hung out there, talking about U-KISS, playing their songs, etc, when SUDDENLY, annie and linda's faces just went SUPER ALERT AND SHOCKED LIKE ALL:

I turned around to see TWO BEATIFUL BOYS (aka UKISS) walk RIGHT PAST US IN OUR SECRET CORNER!!!! ( apparently there was an elevator that no one uses RIGHT next to our corner) IT WAS KISEOP AND ELI!!!!! SFJHDFHJDJHSFJH.
I remember linda instantly jumping to her feet and running off after them. I think she shouted "Good morning" and kiseop said good morning back ♥ ♥ awwwwww ~ ♥

I ran the opposite direction, instantly grabbing the bouquet if flowers (I had removed Kevin's name because I was afraid I wouldn't have been able to give it to him D: )
I chased them down the escalator and apparently they were TRYING TO RUN FROM US HAHAHA. it's not like I was going to attack them X''''D

I think Eli turned to Linda and said "We'll catch you guys later when we come back up" and so she stopped chasing them but I didn't hear so I just kept going XDDDD;
I ran after the two of them and I was calling "Kiseop Kiseop!!" like two times but I knew he wouldn't turnaround as easily as Eli would so i resorted to calling out "Eli Eli Eli!!!" about only three times till he actually turned around and stopped~! ♥

he looked at me and I caught up to him. I handed him the bouquet of flowers and it's that moment that I totally fell in love with Eli hhahaha ♥

He actually TOOK The flowers ( I died) and I some how had the coherency to tell him " I love you! Saranghaeyo" and he smiled at me and said thanks and I DIIIIEEEDDDDD. I totally MELTED~! >_<

So yeah, then of course I stopped chasing them because I found out they were going to eat breakfast in a cafe in the hotel keke ~ I didnt want to invade their space so I walked back and didn't follow them into the cafe..UNLIKE OTHER PPL WHO ACTUALLY FOLLOWED THEM IN THERE D: how rude!! >_<;;;; 

ohhh eli was sooo sweet~~!!! I was kind of disappointed Kiseop seemed kind of cold and was holding back ): Maybe he didn't feel well or was shy from American fans .. T_T

ANYWAYS we were sooo lucky to be hanging out in that corner when they came out!!! (because we were hanging out downstairs in the lobby just like 20 mins ago!!) we were the first ones to see them and one of the only ones to actually be able to run after them and give them gifts waahhhhh ♥
I felt soooo lucky and happy~! WAHHH ♥

A HUG~!!!!!

UUUUGHHHHHHHHHHh. so stupid srsly T_T fljhslfh it was the perfect moment t kldfjhkldfjhs DDDDDDDDDD: Damn I really regret it now HHAHA T_____T -SOBBING-

anyways, so then we were like just in  daze after that, haha, hanging out downstairs to wait for them to come back because of what Eli told us but I guess they were either trolling us or they meant seeing us whenever they left because they were pretty ninja and left the restaurant without anyone noticing when or where they went hahah ♥

ninjas! so yeah we just hung around and actually took our stuff out of our room because we were going to check out soon because it was like 11AM already so yeah. When I went upstairs to grab the last of our belongings from the room,I went into this elevator with a bunch of really tall, pretty girls and I was just like O___O;;; wondering who they were LOLS.

then I realized that there was two men in there who  looked like managers and I was like OMG...
After we all went out of the elevator at the same time... a bunch of ppl swarmed up to the girls LOL and then I found out that I was in the same elevator as SISTAR!! AHHHH I was so stupid LOLS i didn't even notice wtf >_>;;
but they were pretty and really nice ♥
I'm now their fan hahaha~~ :D

ANYWAYS moving on,
umm after I came back out, we decided that Kiseop and Eli probably had already left so we moved back up to the corner near the main entrance where we were hanging out earlier and saw the two of them :)

So we hung out there for a pretty long while, running around and being retarded XD we actually put our stuff in that corner, but spent more time outside and hanging in the main entrance where everyone else was, just in case we were going to miss anything Dx

OMG then one of the members of DJ DOC was outside and he was giving out signatures and stuff and taking pics with ppl >< I was too shy to ask for anything but he was SOOOO NICEEEE AND SWEET!!!!! he didn't reject any sigs and was there for like 20 minutes signing EVERYTHING LOLS he was soo cool ♥♥♥ 

I was able to give him a banana milk though kekeke I hope he enjoyed it ♥ He also has the cutest signature ><;
I loved that the crowd surrounding him was very quiet and calm and I think that made him feel more comfortable so I'm so happy that everyone kept their cool ♥

I think SISTAR and secret also left and caused a sort of commotion, but not really. So basically by like around 12 we were getting nervous because we were planning to leave for sure at 1 or else we would be behind we were getting kind of antsy dlfkhkljhf like okay SUPER ANTSY because we also suspected they might have left earlier using the secret exit downstairs from the night before ;~~;
but the thing was, the bus that drives the artists was parked outside (there was two buses actually) so we were pretty sure ... yeah ><;

We also asked one of the bus drivers when did he think they were leaving and he said "I have no idea" LOLS. he guessed around 11:30 but of course it was already 12 )))): 

then while we were hanging near the escalator (AKA standing right next to it LOLS) and just talking, there was commotion in the elevator area across the hallway from us and we suddenly got really alert and linda was like "Someone's there" because everyone started stirring and getting tense. 

Then I saw a flash of brownish-orangey hair and I instantly knew it was either Kiseop or Kevin so I was on my stalker mode haha I turned to Karen and was like "they're here" in a really quiet voice haha so I don't think anyone else noticed. They started walking out!!! AND I WAS LIKE OH SHIT. so we RAN over the the area where they were (they were leaving through the side door!!!) so I used the main entrance to get out since the door they were using was being retarded and crowded  FFFFUUUUU shshfsflihjslrfjh

I managed to get out JUST as they were leaving hehe~ I think they pretty much left in the usual order so first was soohyun/dongho... and sfjhsljhf they were lovely u guys )))): there was NO ONE crowding around them because they took ppl by such surprise and I was actually one of the first ones to get to them~~

I called out Eli and Kevin and Kevin smiled at me♥ and I think Eli looked up~ ♥ There was some squealing from the fans, but it wasn't really insane or anything so I think it was pretty peaceful~! I just yelled out stuff like "I love U-KISS~ Saranghaeyo~ " and "Fighting!!" and stuff ^_^ so yeah . I think it was all pretty good~

here's an amazing AMAZING quality video that Annie was able to get of them~~ This is pretty much what it looked like ;)

the fans just kind of followed them into the bus ♥
the more amazing part though was that Kevin and Hoon were sitting on our side of the bus so they were lookingat us the whole time while we were waving to them and slfhjkldsjhfldkjh I could actually see them this time!!! Kevin was the cutest fucking thing and he kept waving and smiling and WAAEEE IS HE SO SWEET?!?!?!!? I don't think I've met any other idol as nice as him T~~T
slfjhlsjhf he kept smiling and waving  ♥ I forget who was sitting behind Kevin, but i know in front of him, Hoon was there~ HOON WAS RECORDING US!!!!!! THE FANS OMGGGG we all freaked out when we noticed he was holding the camera ♥ We all screamed and waved for him hehe. Idk if i saw kiseop/eli or not but I might have. I think Soohyun was there too, I'm not totally sure but lrkhjlsjhrflsjh STILL OMG KEVIN~~~
then omg ...
after waving and being super cute and smiling Kevin....
the four of us yelled out "Don't Deny our R squared pi!!!!!!!!!"
and I think we got a really good reaction because Kevin started doing HEART SIGNS AT US AND KLSJHKSJHF HE KEPT DOING the heart thingies and I DIED SO HARD OMG . he's so perfect and precious and nice skljhlskjhlfjh WAE WAEEE KEVIN WAAEEEE SDLIHJSFH ♥
I love him so much omg Kevin )))): ♥♥

So yeah, then after a while of us freaking out while he was being awesome, the bus started to drive off and we were all like NNNNNNNNUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and we wanted to chase after the bus jhfskljhfsfh but of course we didn't awwww~TT

i fell in love with them at that moment and my heart was so happy I was going to burst and omg I don't understand how they are so nice and amazing and sjhslfjhf they're so sweet ....fuuuuuu
so then after the bus left and we were walking back to the hotel, I turned to annie and I was like "oh shit, annie I'm gonna cry" and lksjhlsjhlsjh she was all like "omg no me too D:"
and then I just started tearing up so badly and then i was like SOBBING LOLS ... I just started CRYING out of nowhere.  I think I freaked out the other ppl in the hotel LOLs who saw me sobbing dfkhjldsfjh TT

they were just too sweet and nice that I was overwhelmed and I  felt way too lucky ;~~;

After that, everything felt like a pleasant haze >< we went outside and talked to some Kiss Mes we had talked to the day before and we all died and fangirled about what had happened haha. We got some ppl numbers and facebooks ♥ They were so nice. I love KISS MES, one of the nicest fandoms out there ... one of the nicest groups too haha. ♥

So then around like 12:30 we took off and walked to our next stop: FASHION DISTRICT!! (it was surprisingly close to the hotel) Annie and I had to buy some fabric/trims for our prom dresses so Karen and Linda hung out at a yogurt shop blah blah blah. We only had like 15 mins to shop LOLS because Wen came (linda's bf) and he was going to drive us and hang out with us at Ktown ♥

WEEE~ so we drove to Ktown and hung out there for like three hours~~~ It was really nice.
I never saw the music shop more crowded in my life HAHAHA. It was filled with so many KMF go-ers LOL. ( i go ktown like every month LOLS to get new mags)
We ran into the rocketboxx girls again kekeke they were so nice I love those girls ♥
we bought some posters of U-KISS and I got the new Junior Magazine with them on the cover ehehe ♥ so cute~! we also ate some food since we hadn't eaten since breakfast~ then it was like around 4 and already time to head to the Bowl!! >_<;

Wen was going to drive us to the bowl too but then we realized that there would be wayyy too much traffic so we just decided to take the Metro train again hehe.
we went on the train, met other ppl who were also going to KMF and then from the train station we had to walk like a mile to get the bowl haha. once we got there it was INSANELY CROWDED LIKE OMFG OMFG OMFGGGGGGg it was soo damn crowded!!! we couldn't even WALK through the crowds to get the entrance part of the bowl LOLS because it was too crowded >< one of the sponsor tents asked to take a pic of us for their ad or w/e because they liked our shirts ahaha. we took the picture and got free binoculars from them LOLS.

we went to the alternate entrance to line up for the bowl because there was less ppl that way haha it was better >_<; then me and karen ran to find our seats while linda and annie went to get lighttsticks. the first thing I realized was that... OMFG why the hell were we so CLOSE?!! I was so afraid we were going to be like WAYYY back but we were so close they were able to like SEE the stage really clearly and everything~! we also made a plan of how to get out of the boxes when u-kiss was coming up and we were planning to run down all the way to where pool/garden box was haaha ! ;D 
NINJAS!!!! ♥

so we just hung out in our box and stuff and talked and took pictures~ the two group of girls who sat next to us were pretty cool. :D 

let me just say one thing --- there was a LOT of ppl. A LOT OF fucking ppl srsly omg ><


I honestly cannot for the life of me remember who went when and whatnot, I just remember the good stuff and so I'll talk about those in not any kind of chronological order... HAHA

  • Baek Ji young was a sexy beast. she sang AMAZINGLY and her voice is no doubt breathtaking~! I was soo happy I got to see her because djhlskfjhklsjh I loooove secret garden -- its one of my fave dramas and I was so glad she sang the OST for it ~ they played scenes of Secret garden in the background of her perf and everyone cheered whenever Hyun Bin came on hahaa so funny ♥
  • THE MCs: was one of the host along with this older korean man who spoke in korean while she kind of translated to english :D They were sooo cute together and funny and I think they did a great job ♥ the MC dude kept dancing ridiculously on the edge of the stage whenever performers were up AHAHAHA IT WAS SO FUNNY. I think the crowd was more amused by his antics than anything else XD there was one point where he was dancing suggestively against a wall HAHA XDDDD
  • G.Na omggg she's AMAZING SJHKLSJHSKLJHF she sang and performed beautifully and was ADORABLe as the MC. she had this super cute laugh and i love the way she spoke english klfjhskjhf so cute ♥ I love her songs now too and klsjhjsh I LOVE HER )): I wish I was a fan before though ;~~~; Damn she's amazing ♥ I am totally a new stan of hers haha :D I cheered for her a lot too ♥ she had a lot of fans there haha there was some guys who would yell out G.Na randomly and I guess she heard them because she got embarrassed XDD
  • K.WILL. goddamn sexy ass bitch who I wish I was a bigger fan of earlier wAHH~ he was BREATHTAKINGLY amazinggggg ♥ he also sang the korean anthem and I shit many bricks omg he was so sexy and hot and cute at the same time why was I not a KWILL FAN BEFORE?!?! I REGRET SOSFJHS HFSLJHFH D:   I stan him so hard right now you don't even know. His voice omg his VOICE. it's heavenly and jizzable. ♥ He was a great performer and OH SO SWEET to everyone omg KWILL YOU SEXY BEAST ♥ I screamed so much for him omg ♥
  • DJ DOC.I went BAT shit for them omg they were INSANELY good and got the crowd soo pumped up ahaha. they were so exciting and funny as hale ~ the main member who we met earlier (his name is Kanji I think) kept being really random and saying "Uh huuuh~" as he talked to the crowd so then we started echoing it after he was saying it and soon we got like a whole section of ppl around us to do the same thing LOLS . i think heard at one point and realized we were copying him and he laughed ♥ gosh they were so energetic and EVERYONE stood up because they were so upbeat!!! most of crowd stood up and cheered and danced to their performances ♥♥♥ OMGG SO AMAZIIING ♥ one of my fave perfs of the evening hands down ♥ I parted so hard to their song "run to you" HAHA me and linda got the dance DOOOWWWN~~ ♥♥
  • Secret ~~ my FAVe girl group of the evening !! girls were super adorable and charming and I think they performed AMAZINGLY ... i knew all the songs they performed because I had looked into them before and really liked their stuff ♥ they performed Madonna, Shy boy, and Music :D ;D ;D EVERYONe was up and dancing at this point because their music was so dancable haha . I knew the dance to Madonna sort of and I think I had way too much fun dancing to them ♥

    sry its so loooonggg >_<;;;; I just wanted to get down all the details for my own benefit and memory :))


  1. My self and some of the rocketboxx girls will be there next year! looking forward to seeing you again! i was in the group of girls down stairs when we all gave our gifts to aj! <3 miss you girls! im amazed if found this post^^


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note: Royal pirates and management has asked us fans not to share any fancams we may have so I can't post any since they don't wanna release their music yet since they're not officially debuted. Please be understanding . Therefore I will not  be posting any fancams.  --- So we get there at around 8ish, run to CVS real quick to grab some batteries, and when we head into the club, we're like OMG its so small ):  we pay the ticket lady and she's so nice~ :D then we kind of just stood around and then we see this super tall amazingly beautiful asian guy in the doorway and we're like O_O IS THAT JAMES? and IT WAS JAMES LOL OMG ♥ we called out to him (and keep in mind that we were kind of dressed in pirate gear so we were totally standing out LOL) and he came to us and we were like *~~~~~* and then he smiled at us and gave us a look as if he was saying, "do I know you?" and then Annie showed him our sign with his name on it sjhskjh ♥ and he was like OH~ :) a

SM TOWN LIVE 2010 LA FAN ACCOUNT aka the greatest night of my life.

LET ME JUST . LET IT OUT FOR A SECOND HERE. BEST NIGHT OF MY FUCKING LIFE. NOT GONNA LIE. okay now that that's over with, let's GET ON TO THE MAIN FAN ACCOUNT FFFFFAIDU GWIUJEHGWIJG. UMMMM LET'S SEE...okay so the first thing we did was try to find parking and we were somehow really RETARDED and picky about parking cuz like idek, we just kept driving around in circles and it took us like thirty minutes to get a parking spot lmfao. idk what we were doing. anyways we parked in the convention center right next to the staples center. So we walked to the convention center first since i was gonna go to the Koreaboo meetup but i guess we came so late that they closed DD; and i was soooo sad cuz i wanted free goods AWWWW T___T they only has SNSD stuff left XD but its okay~ when we were walking to the convention center, this girl was like "awwww i like your shirt" and i was like ":DDD THANK YOUUU!" LOL this is my shirt: ISNT IT SO PED

Royal Pirates @ Viper Room 08/27/11

The evening started off with us getting stuck in HORRIBLE traffic on the 5 freeway for about 53246346 hours LOL.  We started getting nervous because we planned on getting there 1 hour earlier than the show but we were nearing the half hour mark and so it was kind if nerve-wracking. I felt like I was going to throw up because I was so nervous. We also had a really hard time finding parking for some reason and idk it was just a stupid experience overall because we could have just parked right next to the Viper Room but we didn't even think of that thought. We parked like 10 minutes away (walking distance) from the venue... OTL oh yeah and then we decided to park in this weird parking structure or something. It was so unbelievably HOT in there!! It was like ten thousand degrees seriously! >_<; I was practically suffocating OTL. And then SOMEONE decided to go into this random door on the side cuz apparently it said "exit" but idk, I just got a really bad feeling